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  1. I don't have any problem with DW1820A Bluetooth/Wifi (everything is working), WIFI 2.4/5 Ghz: OK (fast connect) BT: OK (connect good) Personal Hotspot: OK Airdrop/Handoff/Continuity: OK Used many hours but don't have any kernel panic or disconnect, Sleep/Lid: Wifi/BT is work.
  2. I used my laptop in 1 hours, don't have any problems (no kernel panic), no anything and wake,lid (wifi and bt work again normal). Please try this way and create report, we need check more.
  3. @Hervé Upload done, please check it Do’s MacBook Pro.zip
  4. Final, i got dw1820A working both WLAN and Bluetooth without kernel panic (10.15) 1. I use DW1820A with OVW3T3 (I don't know this way work other DW1820A), Tape pin with guide Naidis 2. Remove Pci device + boot-args in clover config <key>PciRoot(0x?)/Pci(0x?,0x0?)/Pci(0x0)</key> <dict> <key>AAPL,slot-name</key> <string>WLAN</string> <key>compatible</key> <string>pci14e4,4353</string> <key>device_type</key> <string>Airport Extreme</string> <key>model</key> <string>Dell DW1820 (BCM4350) 802.11ac wireless</string> <key>name</key> <string>Airport</string> </dict> </dict> 3. Remove kext BrcmAirportFix 4. Add FakePCIID + FakepciiD_Broadcom_WiFi.kext in C/K/O and L/E
  5. I test again and 5ghz working, but when connect to 5 Ghz, i can't scan other wifi
  6. Hello there, I bought DW1820A with part number 0VW3T3 (same Mac address in label and in system info). With 2.4 Ghz -> work normal without kext, only add devices properties in Clover. With 5 Ghz -> can't scan any wifi 5 Ghz (i don't know why) With bluetooth -> working (Airdrop, Handoff ....) But with 5 Ghz band, how to fixed it ?
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