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Gia Cát Lang

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Gia Cát Lang last won the day on September 22 2015

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  1. Rename Device in DSDT EHCI -> EHC1 and compile . it is working
  2. hello guy Can you help me ? I'm need information device id webcam in laptop for you Example : VendorID_7119 ProductID_2817 Thanks
  3. DSDT in config.plist > Remove NewWay , Fix OperationRegion Because Battery Dell Latitude ( Native for mac ) dont need patch ( Remove Status BAT1 and BAT2)
  4. try disable BAT1 and BAT2 with method (_STA....) { //nothing }
  5. Issuse AppleIntelSNBGraphics .. Crash hd 3000 u have 2 method way 1. Boot -v -f -x mount -uw / cd /System/Library/Extensions rm -rf AppleIntelSNBGraphics.kext and reboot install now and reinstall AppleIntelSNBGraphics ( original) 2. Try with Clover it is easy but dell uefi have bug firmware T_T
  6. Serial Number: DELL 2MV3R23-000000000000082C Manufacturer: SMP Device Name: DELL 2MV3R23 Battery working
  7. @wern u have attachment dsdt orginal . i try patch it
  8. @wern check dsdt i think i fixed battery but if u use osx 10.11.x u need find EHCI and replace EHC1 DSDT.zip
  9. if i use dsdt old . battery working oke no problems but if i use dsdt new version > battery half working .. random loss
  10. haha after sleep , without battery =]] @wern , wait i need check BAT .. if i fixed i will send u method fix
  11. Dell e6420 working El capitan 10.11 GM with clover bootloader
  12. @Dr.Hurt I encountered this problem occurs only random Recent i'm start hackintosh with dell e6420 My trackpad operations but not accurate Click my left dormant and only works when the right click but I need to check further to see if it is sure
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