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Everything posted by peterW

  1. Today install of mavericks went fine whit extra from ML(10.8). you can download mavericks (App Store) when u patch smbios to macbook 5.1 greetz...
  2. thanx for the advice, i bought 2x Kingston kth-zd8000b 2GB SODIMM PC2-5300 667MHz and a multibay PATA (IDE) HDDCaddy 12.7mm Universal(pata => sata) for 500gb hdd. can i use SSD Sata2 of Sata3 in my primary bay. greetings peter
  3. I want to upgrade my d630 ,but what is better from 2GB to 4GB, or a SSD-HDD...?? greetings Peter
  4. It say that the installation of the update failed ,but the update has installed.
  5. try this rjjd , https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1321-fix-black-screen-issue-in-d830-nvidia-bootpack/page__view__findpost__p__8872__hl__%2Bblack+%2Bscreen+%2Bnvidia__fromsearch__1
  6. i will try next install 10.8
  7. albert e, sleepenabler works for me,kextwizzard didn't kexthelper b7 does the trick!! full working 10.8 GM now!! thnx
  8. so finally, i have 10.7.4 on my dell630 nvidia 135@1440x900 T7700(2.4ghz) 3gb and bcm4311(wifi) it works great,only shutdown is slow . first i make a 8gb usb partition then i installed epd 2.2 (kext for d630 nvidia) on stick + latest chameleon. then i move lion retail dvd to stick with xfail start from usb with -v after installation i upgrade 10.7.4 combo but don't restart yet install latest Chameleon+epd 2.2 op mac hd then i installed appleACPIPlatform.kext (10.6.7) with kext helper b7 then restart once with -v (need usb keyboard and mouse) that's it thanx osxlatitude.com gr peterws
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