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Everything posted by Yehhhhhh

  1. Its totally same as k46... https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/2676-asus-k46ca-k46cm-k56ca-k56cm-tutorial-mountain-lion-1082/ Credits to naruto
  2. You can use ubuntu live though, just need to copy the files needed to the flashdisk.
  3. My laptop is A46CM, same specs. But i just can't get my Trackpad Multitouch working. Only 2 fingers, but not 3 or 4 fingers, please help
  4. Can you make the four finger swipes to change desktops?
  5. I did disabled bluetooth, but still its searching for bluetooth trackpad
  6. Hey, So I still can't get this working (v4) on Mountain Lion 10.8.2 and decided to boot verbose and safe mode. There is writing Elan :sucessful or something similar like that. It actually works on -v -x mode, but not normal mode (without any flags) I can get to change my trackpad settings from system preferences, But if without flags, its giving me "connect a bluetooth trackpad" Please help me so i can use it without any bootflag
  7. Hi EMlyDinEsH, My Hackintosh works fine on Asus A46CM My OS is 10.8.2 I can use my trackpad but not multitouch. When i try to change the settings from system preferences, its giving me this error Please help
  8. Hey, my trackpad is responsive, but i cannot change my settings from system pref. it said its waiting for bluetooth trackpad to connect. Acer A46CM. Please how? I'm using v4 beta.
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