I just did a clean install of SL and updated to 10.6.8 before installing and running EDP. This time I used the downloadable Beta EDP installer from here http://www.osxlatitude.com/edp/download/
When I ran EDP the version was given as: -- OSXLatitude E.D.P Version #4 (Rev: 12) ------
I used the user defined config for D630 intel 1400x900 which includes:
- NullCPUPowerManagement
- SleepEnabler
- VoodooTSCsync
- Emulated SpeedStep
I ran the hibernation fix.
The result is the same - Bluetooth is lost on waking from sleep. The loss is random, sometimes if I put the system to sleep and wake it it's fine: but usually after the second or third time it goes off. Closing the lid to enter sleep mode seems more likely to disable bluetooth.
My only other issue is that the trackpad control freaks out if I use it straight after logging in as described here: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1797-track-pad-stuck-in-horizontal/ I'm not sure if this is related - but it happens on all of my machines also.