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Everything posted by Grubinho

  1. Audio is not presence in system preferences. No "in" , no "out". Boot log shows: "3:031 0:000 No AudioIoProtocols, status=Not Found" I'm not able right now to post debug file with described method. Must change drives from internal to external and opposite.
  2. Glitches disappeared after use kext guided on yt (Mojave HD300 fix). If anyone got freezes (by moving window or resize window or use heavier task) - the solution may be to change screen refresh rate from 60 to 40 Hz (1600x900 resolution).
  3. I have codec and sys info from "hackintool", but no luck for now. Got untouched AppleHDA, Installed the newest AppleAlc + Lilu, changed layout id (in Clover) for 3, for 12 and no audio. In HSierra audio is fine.
  4. I messed up with patch AppleHDA.kext and reinstalled 10.14. Can't create debug also, beacouse of: "You forgot to press F4 or Fn+F4 at clover boot screen. Please reboot and press F4 or Fn+F4 to dump ACPI origin files." (I pressed f4 and Fn+f4 on clover boot and don't know why it is not dump debug - maybe it is related with external drive install?) What I have is only bootlog from Clover
  5. Greetings. Installed 10.14 Mojave on E5420, but can't get audio to work. On High Sierra used AppleAlc + Lilu and everything was fine. Tried to change layout id, changed HDAS to HDEF in ACPI section. Still no luck. I'm not sure what my codec is (only "Intel High Def Audio under Windows description), but I think that it may be around: IDT 92HDxxx HD Audio; IDT 92HD93 HD Audio. Any solution?
  6. Dell e5420 (with Intel HD300, 8gb of ram0 and installed HS 10.13.6 (Legacy mode). Everything went fine and rather simple - the "only" important problem I had , was - no trackpad working (new VoodooPS2Controller-R6Bronxteck.kext helped after checking many different kext - if anyone will need). 1600x900 resolution with acceleration, system shows 512MB of graphic memory. Everything is stable, but here are problems: 1. graphic artifacts (on files and folder list in finder for instance) - they show up rare 2. On video playback sometimes - horizontal , moving color straps and lines 3. On minimize or maximize window (Chrome for instance or other app) - sometimes It's freezeing and laggy for a while or get total freeze 4. Sometimes computer get total freeze and I mus shutdown it manually (I don't know if there is any kind of schema: freeze is random, sometimes after 5 minutes of using, sometimes after couple hours, but I think mostly it happens when processor is under heavier task for some period of time. I don't have ethernet, firewire and sd card also . but it's not so important right now for me. I didn't check hdmi also Anyone got solution for this kind of problem?
  7. Ok. Once again many thanks for help. I installed not only Mavericks but Yosemite too on external hard drive for stability testing. If someone have Dell e5420 , then problem is with trackpad , so better to find Voodoops2controller (the newest version). I copied most of the kext (mainly graphics and dsdt) and here we go...
  8. I'm not sure which metod I used. Many times I have changed bootloader and installation. I installed with Myhack and with tonycrap ...beast I think that artifacts may be related with RAM. I have 2 sticks 2 + 4. Removed 2gb and so far nothing bad happened. I updated system to 10.9.5 with no problem instead HDMI audio. Have VoodoHDA kext and no audio output with hdmi. Is there any way to fix ? Once more thank you for help...
  9. Thank you! You made my day... Now I have another problem. When I set resolution to 1600x900 - have glitches and random graphical artifacts - they are huge and show up relatively quick. When I set 1344x756 - they are smaller and show up after some time. I think so maybe it's something with NVRAM or/and something with full buffer. and maybe it's proper hd 3000 kext What I can do with that ?
  10. Thank you for reply. I don't know why but now I have 1024x768 instead of 1600x900 when boot to OS. Could you tell me which kexts are necessary to run HD3000? Earlier I run with ...Azuri, ...Capri and AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB but had many glitches , artefacts and system was unstable. So I done backup of graphics kext with chameleon and checked option "don't drop DSDT". Now is the situation. (I can't attach DSDT - got error You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file)
  11. Hi. I installed 10.9.0 Mavericks on Dell e5420 and can't get full qe/ci. My specs: 2520m with Intel HD 3000 graphics 6GB Ram 2x SSD drive with 2hd Caddy 1600x900 resolution The problem is that when I remove all graphics kexts - can get desktop, but have no qe/ci and instead of got flickering. Tried many kext (AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB) but any of them didn't work (got blank screen after boot). If someone have that model and got HDMI Audio + Full qe/ci - please attach in answer. I'm really tired with config and lot of options , bot flags etc. Tried in any way with no luck. It will be really nice to get some help...
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