Hello Guys
Nice to meet you all
I'm from Chile, so if I mess meanwhile I writing, it is 'cause I learn english by myself
In the past, I made several hack's, with the old-fashioned Iaktos and Kaiway methods.
I was pretty success with a Inspiron 1525 and a old Celeron desktop. Was a heroic and fun time...
So, after that I become a apple user, actually I have a MBP.
Now, I need a desktop mac computer, and doing some research, I found that the Dell's optiplex are a good choice to perform a Hackintosh
I bought a 7010
cpu core i7 3770 3ºgeneration 3,4@3,9ghz 4 gb ram ddr3 500gb HDD video amd 7470 1gb
I follow the Jacke Lo guide, I attempt to install 10.8.0 and... it's amazing! all work like a charm! it is a dream to an old Hackintosh user!
The only issue, it's that I'm not able to boot without a USB flash memory with Charmaleon inside
I get the error0
I follow that guide, but I still have the issue
Any clue?
PDT: Can I update to 10.8.5 using apple software update?
Best regards