I was able to successfully install and boot to El Cap, but after restart, getting this KP upon boot up..
Sun Oct 4 07:17:42 2015
*** Panic Report ***
panic(cpu 2 caller 0xffffff80003cdeca): "PHYSMAP_PTOV bounds exceeded, 0xffffff2710410068, 0xfffffea780000000, 0xfffffee780000000"@/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-3247.1.106/osfmk/i386/pmap.h:463
Backtrace (CPU 2), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff8106fdbc50 : 0xffffff80002e5357
0xffffff8106fdbcd0 : 0xffffff80003cdeca
0xffffff8106fdbd40 : 0xffffff80003cdb46
0xffffff8106fdbd90 : 0xffffff80008c689d
0xffffff8106fdbdd0 : 0xffffff7f823c5e91
0xffffff8106fdbe10 : 0xffffff7f823c47f8
0xffffff8106fdbe40 : 0xffffff7f823c4777
0xffffff8106fdbe60 : 0xffffff80008a3bdc
0xffffff8106fdbee0 : 0xffffff800089d212
0xffffff8106fdbf00 : 0xffffff80003196ba
0xffffff8106fdbfb0 : 0xffffff80003d14b7
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleHDAController(272.50)[7A5FAC87-3715-3982-8CCC-D4FA619D62C3]@0xffffff7f82260000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOAudioFamily(203.8)[189C80CB-2EFA-31A9-9380-AD970C691BBC]@0xffffff7f80c9c000
dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOHIDFamily(2.0.0)[353AFBA9-8775-34E3-BF8B-40D7AD2C500A]@0xffffff7f811d3000
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: kernel_task
Boot args: dart=0 -gux_defer_usb2 kext-dev-mode=1 -v "Kernel=/System/Library/Kernels/kernel" slide=0
Any suggestions? I was able to boot in safe mode but don't have access to EFI in safe mode..
--EDIT-- Had to boot into my windows partition to edit the kexts in my 10.11 folder. had a bad one in there. Don't know how it got there! But fixed.