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Everything posted by john67

  1. i was advised to install them from another forum, then advised to come here
  2. ive added the kexts to my system using kext wizard, so now i just need to add the following keylayout.dylib klibc.dylib resolution.dylib uClibcxx.dylib any help appreciated
  3. tried using myhack before i got multifail, but it never worked. it got to the license part then skipped to install. missed the select device part out
  4. i got sent some files for dell d520 lat' and got multifail but when it says select drive +(usb) it skips this part and goes to install
  5. just got new dvd drive for my old dell latitude d520 and installed osx snow leopard. alls great- got audio etc etc. but ive no internet, ethernet or wireless. got same problem as my gateway laptop also lose cursor after 5 minutes any help appreciated
  6. new to forum so thought id say hi before i pinch some help. my name is john and as stated im from a seaside place in the uk. im into a lot of hobbies from music to painting and motorbikes to computers.
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