Hello, im new here and i try to build my first Hackintosh. I´m from German and my technical English isn´t great.
I read following instruction:
My Steps so far:
1. I downloaded Yosemite from the AppStore (with old 13´ Macbook Pro)
2. I prepared the USB-Drive
3. I´m not sure what to do at steps:
20. I don´t know which Kernel folder i need, i took this one: 10.10.5 Vanilla Kernel
27. I downloaded the Chameleon Bootpack for 6220 here:
Everything fine so far?
I don´t know what to do here: BIOS:
Set to Default, apply, then set SATA Operations to AHCI
I don´t know how to do that, scared to do something wrong in BIOS
It would be great if somebody could help me, the german forums are not good. Sorry for my poor English