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Everything posted by darkera13

  1. I got a solution for max brightness at boot (dont need display sleep) for HD4000 by patch AppleInterFramebufferCarpri.kext (HD3000 is AppleIntelSNBGraphicsFB). Using HexEdit open AppleInterFramebufferCarpri.kext/Contents/MacOS/AppleInterFramebufferCarpri and do follow: 10.9 Search: 00000040 10070000 1007 Replace: 00000040 12130000 1213 10.8 Search: 00000020 10070000 1007 Replace: 00000020 12130000 1213 Clover patch 10.9 <dict> <key>Comment</key> <string>Max Brightness</string> <key>Find</key> <data> AAAAQBAHAAAQBw== </data> <key>Name</key> <string>AppleIntelFramebufferCapri</string> <key>Replace</key> <data> AAAAQBITAAASEw== </data> </dict> P/S: I dont remember where i get this information. Sorry to the author.
  2. LID sleep & Fn + F7 working with vanilla ACPIxxx kext of 10.9 without any patch. dsdt.aml.zip
  3. But my keyboard backlight always off when lid open, work fine if wake by power button. I dont want use Fn + F4 to turn it on . Update: After check the EC0W method, i find out the way to make it work as it should be. Now when open lid, the keyboard backlight accurately restore the state before sleep. Thanks for your suggestion. Search: WRAM (0x044B, KBBR) Repace: If (LGreater (KBBR, Zero)) { WRAM (0x044B, KBBR) } Else { WRAM (0x044B, KLDT) }
  4. Fix keyboard backlight not auto wake when wake on LID. Must apply this patch first https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1968-fn-hotkey-driver-for-asus-notebooks/?p=23959 Add to _LID Method: If (LEqual (Local0, One)) { ^^ATKD.SKBL (0x03) } Like this: Method (_LID, 0, NotSerialized) // _LID: Lid Status { Store (One, Local0) Store (^^PCI0.LPCB.EC0.RPIN (0x46), Local0) If (LEqual (Local0, Ones)) { Store (One, Local0) } If (And (VGAF, One)) { Store (One, ^^PCI0.IGPU.CLID) } If (LEqual (Local0, One)) { ^^ATKD.SKBL (0x03) } Return (Local0) }
  5. Update: Lid sleep & Fn + F7 working fine without patching on 10.9 Final. Tested on UX31A Zenbook.
  6. Of course, EAPD added but still not working.
  7. Try again. If still not work, I think we should wait for the help of EMlyDinEsH. AppleHDA.kext.zip
  8. Try again. PS: HDMI only show when you connected HDMI device. AppleHDA.kext.zip
  9. So your Bluetooth may be AR3011. Try v1.5, it work with my Combo AR9285+AR3011.
  10. Please try the attachment. ALC275 10.8.5.zip
  11. Path: IOService:/AppleACPIPlatformExpert/PCI0@0/AppleACPIPCI/HDEF@1B Speak node: 0x14 (exactly) I try to change path on startUpdate function and rebuild but no luck. 10.8.4 work great, 10.8.5 and 10.9 not work. PS: Check Console.log has "EAPD: Enabled Successfully" but still not work.
  12. Just tried, but not work with on my Asus UX31A. My headphone work great after wake with no need patch IOAudioFamily, but Speaker not work even after reload AppleHDA.kext.
  13. I dont't try with Elan's previous vesion, but try with ApplePS2Controller before change to Elan, it worked with -s (can use keyboard). I think Elan must load before terminal appear (like ApplePS2Controller), but dont know how to do. I attach my boot log. kernel.log.zip
  14. I think v.2.7.5 has a bug, it not work if boot with -s (both UseKernelCache = Yes/No)
  15. Work great on Zenbook Prime UX31A (10.8.4). Thank for hard work.
  16. Kernel Panic on Zenbook Prime (OSX 10.8.4) both version. Can you fix it? Thanks a lot.
  17. Work great on Zenbook Prime UX31A. Thank EMlyDinEsH, you are my hero!
  18. Sorry, my mistake. My DSDT is wrong, i try patch new DSDT and it work like a charm. Thank you very much!
  19. Yup, DSDT edited. Nothing work ( Here is my dsdt https://dl.dropbox.com/u/70253928/dsdt.aml. I thinks nothing wrong, but nothing work except F7 (screen off) always working.
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