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  1. I have found a dirty way to make ar3012 and perhaps other stuff initially supported by this kext work in 10.13.6. No VM or other crazy methods are needed. What I've done is I installed 10.12.6 usb kexts over the original: IOUSBFamily.kext.zip IOUSBHostFamily.kext.zip I should point out, that such a barbaric method can break stuff, but it didn't my case. Prone to be broken after even security updates. If such is the case - eat, sleep, dance, repeat. I cannot fathom, why the developer cannot opensource it even though he's out of the scene.
  2. I have found a dirty way to make ar3012 and perhaps other stuff initially supported by this kext work in 10.13.6. No VM or other crazy methods are needed. What I've done is I installed 10.12.6 usb kexts over the original: IOUSBHostFamily.kext.zip IOUSBFamily.kext.zip
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