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68x last won the day on November 21 2013

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  1. The Asus Fn kext is not madatory. It just adds extra functioanilty for keyboard backlight, you should be able to use the old versions of that kext without issues if you disable the correct plist nodes.
  2. Nope ... 0x24 is hex, you have to convert to decimal (Base16 to Base10). As you can see here, http://www.openstrike.co.uk/cgi-bin/decimalhex.cgi?input=24&direction=To+Decimal , your actual node is 36. Try using node 36 and let us know. Also, the oinly reason why you have sound via headphones is because your device doesn't have an EAPD for it.
  3. Set the correct node ID in the Info.plist. Read the first post to figure out which node.
  4. There is an issue with the ALS support. The keyboard backlight works, but the screen brightness does not change. It works perfectly on 1.7.
  5. That is not even needed... The DSDT handles the backlight by itself when it wakes. Take a look at the EC0W method. All you are doing is setting the backlight to the maximum when the lid is being opened.
  6. Just for clarification. What I posted earlier was incorrect. The keyboard backlight bezel won't work (there is no support?). For backlight, just make sure that you have edited Info.plist for the kext (WMIController.kext, it's in Plugins).
  7. You'll need a DSDT eto enable the wireless cabpabilties of the card on 10.8.5/10.9 ALso do you mind going into detail about how it doesn't work?
  8. It doesn't modify the FN keys so no, you're stuck to still using the RehabMan's key combo. This will work on all Asus laptops with backlight keyboards, also this fixes a lot of issues.
  9. First, which wireless card are you using?
  10. Working alongside RehabMan, keyboard backlight now works on 10.8.5/10.9. It seems to be a OSX bug where Arg0 for _WAK is producing erroneous values. Find _WAK, before WAK(Arg0), add this: If (LOr (LLess(Arg0, 1), LGreater(Arg0,5))) { Store(3, Arg0) } Credits goes to RehabMan. Edit: Here is the DSDT patch: # Fix originally discovered by RehabMan and 68x # Patch created by 68x into Method label _WAK code_regex WAK\s+\(Arg0\) replace_matched begin If (LOr (LLess(Arg0, 1), LGreater(Arg0,5))) \n { \n Store(3, Arg0) \n } \n WAK(Arg0)\n end;
  11. If it is possible, can you consider making it a separate kext? As an owner of a laptop with an Elan touchpad, I can't use PS2 controller without kext conflicts.
  12. I am currently on 10.8.5. Afetr I wake from sleep, the keyboard backlight do not light up.
  13. Booting with "npci=xxxx" with an Intel HD 4000 causes a KP. The solution is not to boot up with "npci=xxxx".
  14. I've attached the necessary DSDT edits in a form of a patch to get the ambient light sensor working: # Patches for getting the Ambient Light Sensor (ALS) working, must be used with EMlyDinEsH's kext # Kext link: https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/1968-fn-hotkey-driver-for-asus-notebooks/ # Credits: 68x and EMlyDinEsH # Removes the code that doesn't execute into Method label _QCD replace_content begin Notify (ALS, 0x80)\n If (ATKP)\n {\n ^^^^ATKD.IANE (0xC7)\n } end; # Removes the code that doesn't execute into Method label _QDD replace_content begin Notify (ALS, 0x80)\n If (ATKP)\n {\n ^^^^ATKD.IANE (0xC6)\n } end; # Modify RALS to return correct values # Also change the keyboard backlight in DSDT into Method label RALS replace_content begin If (ALAE)\n {\n Store (RRAM (0x04C9), Local0)\n And (Local0, 0x0F, Local0)\n If (LLessEqual (Local0, One))\n {\n Store (0x32, Local1)\n ^^^^ATKD.SKBL (0x03)\n Store (One, Local2)\n }\n Else\n {\n If (LLessEqual (Local0, 0x06))\n {\n Store (0xC8, Local1)\n ^^^^ATKD.SKBL (0x02)\n Store (0x02, Local2)\n }\n Else\n {\n If (LLessEqual (Local0, 0x0A))\n {\n Store (0x0190, Local1)\n ^^^^ATKD.SKBL (One)\n Store (0x03, Local2)\n }\n Else\n {\n If (LLessEqual (Local0, 0x0E))\n {\n Store (0x0258, Local1)\n }\n Else\n { Store (0x0320, Local1)\n }\n ^^^^ATKD.SKBL (Zero)\n Store (0x04, Local2)\n }\n }\n }\n Return (Local2)\n }\n Else\n {\n Return (0xC8)\n } end; # Add ALSS so kext can get values into Method label ALSS remove_entry; into Device label ATKD insert begin Method (ALSS, 0, NotSerialized)\n {\n Return (^^PCI0.LPCB.EC0.RALS ())\n } end;
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