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  1. @Herve Thank you so much for posting this info. Followed what you had typed above and am installing Yosemite for the first time without using some internet hacked version and no kernel panics. Through reading I knew I somehow needed to inject and boot from a different kernel to get Yosemite to boot and this guide really helped me to understand the steps. I applied the OS Package framework fix for MBR since I multi boot Windows I did get an error about no driver for IOPlatform so I booted with -x and am using built in keyboard and mouse. I will follow up with what did or didn't fix it. -------------- Ok, I have Yostemite running on my computer... I just upgraded over top of my existing install of Mavericks that I installed using the guide by same author referenced in OP. After initial boot, I got a mach_kernel not found so I just typed in /System/Library/Kernels/kernel as a boot arg (hitting tab in Chameleon loader), this allowed me to complete the install. I then ran the script from the Yosemite Guide to copy all kext etc. It error'd on HDA saying it was a directory so permission error needs to be sorted there. I don't have updates, but this has to do with something using MyHack or a certain kext that disappeared the serial # ... these are off topic issues so thanks again, follow the above and use the correct kernel and you can't go wrong. Really helps to have a working OSX install to manipulate files onto the new boot drive - I have Mavericks loading off of a USB3. I have an E5530 in the mail so looking forward to applying this OS to it as well!
  2. I'm running into the same issue following the guide ... I've read through forum posts but none are clear, help would be greatly appreciated to sort through this ..
  3. That was the fix, thanks. I remembered seeing something about airportd fix but couldn't remember where .. I'm all up on wifi now
  4. Hey guys, Firstly thanks to the OP with the guide to install mountain lion. Issue I'm having is I can't connect to any wireless networks, keeps telling me connection failed. I'm running ML 10.8.5 update with the kext's installed as posted in the guide. I have latitude E6410 Nvidia 4gb ram and just recently ordered and installed a Dell 1510 wireless (Broadcom BCM4322). I've followed the instructions from darvinko by deleting io80211family kext from S/L/E and updated the kexts into extras with kext util and repaired permissions. As soon as I had installed the wifi adapter, it detected and installed which was great - it will scan for and find the networks, but it won't connect to the 2 I'm trying. I've done plenty of searching and can't find anything specific to this. Can anyone guide me to a solution ? ... If it's an incompatibility for osx to connect to anything with AES encryption I'll need another solution as I'm an IT tech and can't go around changing all my customers wifi. Thanks in advance,
  5. ooops ... my bad typo, its 667 ... Thanks for the link to that post, I'll check in that forum in the future when updates are released
  6. Ok good to know, I noticed it lags a bit when minimizing/expanding windows .... By looking at the top bar I can see that transparencies are working. I'm running with a T7800 2.6Ghz and DDR2-400. I have a bit more reading up to do on running EDP as it didn't seem to reboot (goes back to the logon screen after sitting at a grey screen with mouse cursor for a while). This is after I updated to 10.8.2 and during the install so haven't really tested it very much. I'm using it today as my daily when I usually use Win7... so far so good ... I disabled Bluetooth prompting for a keyboard/mouse in sys prefs and that stopped the nag about keyboard/mouse .. otherwise, great tutorial and support here! thanks for the response, I'm looking forward to hackintoshing. FYI - for anyone questioning doing the upgrade to 10.8.2, just run it as is and then re-install EDP and I080211Family.kext to get wifi going again ... It'll say it fails after the update but it completes just fine.
  7. Hey guys, this is my first post. I just skimmed and searched through all pages of this forum and did some other searches and can't find specific info. I've got a D630, installed ML 10.8 following this guide without any issues, chameleon bootloader tri-booting WinXP , Win764 , and ML10.8. One thing I've noticed is the graphics seem sluggish and the dock doesn't appear to be transparent like it did in SL. I've got the NV Quadro 135 detecting as 8400 ... can anybody guide me to getting HW accel or testing if its working? .... Or is this one of the things I need to stick with Lion to get working? ... I had read in one post using a 10.7 kext would get "some" acceleration working but I didn't see where to get the kext nor any tutorials on this. Thanks in advance!
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