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  1. Thank you, found this on the issues page and the Sonoma preview version of airportitlwm is working.
  2. Hello all, I rebuilt my Ventura installation with Sonoma and all went well including Bluetooth. The only thing that is not working at the moment is Intel 8265 WIFI; I'm using the latest Ventura versions of AirportItlwm.kext alongside with Lilu and Opencore. I read here that some legacy Broadcom cards support were dropped but I have not seen mentions of Intel cards. Can someone verify that Intel WIFI should work and if not, steps to fix it? Thank you.
  3. updated to OC 0.8.6 and still same issue.
  4. Thanks, I added the files and populated config.plist but unfortunately issue persists.EFI_085 copy.zip
  5. Here you go thanks. EFI: EFI_085 copy.zip and Ioreg Utendar_MacPro.zip
  6. Update: I found some discrepancies in my USB mapping and rectified it. However, sleep still crashes the laptop and shutdown action result in system crash and reboot.
  7. Brilliant, updated BlueToolFixup.kext and Bluetooth is now working, thanks! One other issue I just discovered, when computer goes to sleep it actually shuts down with a crash message when turning back on. Any idea on how to go about resolving this?
  8. Thank you. I corrected the kext to MPB14,1 as suggested. As it turned out, a couple of NVRAM resets and my Ventura installation continued and completed successfully. A couple of remaining issues: 1. Laptop reboot itself at login prompt. I had to install alpha version v2.2 of Airportltlwm.kext for Ventura and all seems well. Is there a stable version of v2.1 for Ventura? 2. Can't turn on Bluetooth. Both BlueToolFixup and IntelBluetoothFirmware are installed. Could this be related to USB mapping? System Info for USB showing Bluetooth at location ID 14600000 s USBMap does not detect any device connected at that location (14600000) and port (6): Under Bluetooth, it's listing a device I do not have (Broadcom?)
  9. Ok per your advise, I changed the following: 1. Opencore verbose mode boot-args -v 2. Mapped USB ports using USBMap.kext, added entry to config.plist 3. Set XhciPortLimit to False Unfortunately, the result is the same; black screen at 13%. Please see attached updated EFI directory, thanks. EFI_085 Ventura copy.zip
  10. Thank you Herve, I read through your posts in the archive section and that's how I got the iGPU settings. I was testing and tried commenting out sections to see if it made any difference (it didn't). Prior to installation I updated all the kext with Lilu-and-Friends; WhateverGreen is version 1.6.2. I attached my EFI minus wifi kext and resources directories. Also checked SyncRuntimePermissions: EFI_085 Ventura 2.zip
  11. I have a fully functional Monterey 12.6.1 installation with below laptop: Latitude 5480 OpenCore 0.8.5 i5-6300U 2.4 GHz (Skylake) Intel HD 520 I tried updating config.plist to include below entries and started a clean Ventura installation. After formatting disk and starting installation, the progress bar stops at 13% then immediately black screen with no access to log file. Please help, thank you. 1. GenSMBIOS to MacBookPro14,1 2. Skylake to Kaby Lake GPU spoofing: I also tried this but same error:
  12. Jake, Thanks for that, your bootpack worked! Included IOReg in case you still want to see it. Utendar_IOReg_Bootpack.zip
  13. Thanks Jake, I was out of town and didn't get to this until now. I took my original configuration and by following the following guide, created SSDT-GPIO.aml https://dortania.github.io/Getting-Started-With-ACPI/Laptops/trackpad-methods/manual.html Still no trackpad though, I don't need gesture just basic functionalities. Utendar-IORegExp.ioreg
  14. unfortunately same error on boot. I managed to get past the error by setting Misc -> Security -> SecureBootModel to "Disabled" but still no trackpad.
  15. Adding HFSPlus.efi allowed USB to boot; thanks! The error "OC: Grabbed zero system-id for SB, this is not allowed" persists though, when using your EFI folder.
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