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Everything posted by vorob
Wow and in chrome, after i pess enter there are no such gap...
Maybe i don't understand something, but why this thing is not mentioned anywhere? Should it be third thing to install after bootloader and EDP?
Well, i created guest wifi spot and will now install driver No protection, but also no assess to home network Well now i don't know how to install these kext I've just unpacked them into /System/Library/Extensions Used Kext Utility, and i'm able to see networks, but its not connecting to them. Yey! Wifi is working now Thought speed and quality of connection is very strange... http://dl.dropbox.co...0311/345345.png
Re-wrote my OSX installation guid So, let me summary itup. What do we need toinstall MAC OSX on Dell Latitude D620 (With INTEL GMA 950): 1)Download imageSLD430USB.img.bz2, unpack it and “burn†it on flash driver >8gb. Viamac/linux/windows method described here http://www.osxlatitu..._Latitudes.html 2)Install MACOSX via this flashdrive a)you need to repartition you HDD in GUID partitiontable via Disk Utility b)install Mac OSX on Disk 1 c)after installation, when restart will be necessary,use your usb stick to launch mac from “Disk 1†3)After installation, when you will see your desktop, download and install thisbootloader http://forum.osxlati...n-v20-rc5-r665/ 4)After that, download and install this http://forum.osxlati...ate-5-released/ by following this guide: 1. Download and copy over Extra.zip to / 2. Rename or remove your old Extra (if it exists) folder 3. Unzip Extra.zip to /Extra 4. Open terminal and do: sudo su [enter] cd /Extra ./edptool.command 5. Choose to do a new build matching your model and then select Applemouse, Audio(Y),Lan(Y), powerpack(N)) 6. Reboot Now it should boot byitself and you will be able to update 10.6 >> 10.6.6 Additional this guide to have sleepmode enabled: http://www.osxlatitu...e_with_OSX.html
As i'm the owner of 620 with GMA 950 i wanted to inform that its not booting when powerpack is installed. Its booting only via flash. Don't know how, but powerpack ruins booting operation. If i uninstall is everything is ok. But tell me, i thought that Chameleon v2.0-RC5 r665.pkg.zip is for booting, and Extra.zip its just some drivers. How drivers can ruin booting procedure? Or i don't understand smth?
Ye, that's not good cause i'm afraid to open my home network By the way, think i found why i cant play games. They need full support of OpenGL 2.0 and 950 doesn't have it. It was made, somehow, under windows but not i mac.... But still i was able to run Thief 2 http://forum.darkfat...57.new.html#new
http://www.taranfx.c...pard-hackintosh Found this. Planning on giving a shot
So, OSX start booting normally only after bootloader + EDP? Well, answer is - No. I made fresh install, installed bootloader, then EDP, restarted and now i see "You need to restart your..." Rebooted and installed EDP once again. Now it boots itself. No logic. And on EDP power pack (which is cooler) i can't control brightness. Only on apple one. Enabled powerpack and its not booting again. So thats was causing problem... Will make forth clean install just to be sure Yep. On EDP i select d620 with 950, Apple mouse control + Audio + Lan + NO Powerpack. And its ok from there.
re-installed mac osx from stick and installed https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/41-chameleon-v20-rc5-r665/ and for some reason its not loading OS by itself... plus there are no extra folder in root.
I wonder if games will run ok on real mac with 950.
Will make clean install today Just to be sure that my guide #46 is working. Really weird that everything is running smooth (hd video, interface) but 3d is not working at all. Here, trine: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5020311/Screen%20shot%202011-01-10%20at%2012.34.00%20AM.png
http://www.osxlatitude.com/groups/d4xosx/wiki/a92b0/EDP_History_and_Changelog.html Should i consider this table as a proof that D620-Intel-950 driver is not that good as nvidia one?
And DSDT is...? And how can i be sure that this drivers was "mapped" correctly?
Tell me please, does mac os have driver for intel 950? Or i need to setup them separately?
Aaaand about this guide http://www.osxlatitude.com/groups/d4xosx/wiki/c1196/Getting_sleep_to_work_on_your_Dell_Latitude_with_OSX.html after wake up i have horrible bugs, i'm trying to move one object, but it catches another...
Ok i see. I know that it will be too much, but still, any special tweaks for graphic card? I've installed steam and 2 games, trine and portal. And both can launch, but trine plays with horrible artifacts, and portal just shows logo and then i heare only sound, screen is black. Both games were playable under Windows 7, so i wonder maybe a need to press something somewhere to have miracle.
So, let me summary it up. What do we need to install MAC OSX on Dell Latitude D620: 1)Download image SLD430USB.img.bz2, unpack it and “burn†it on flash driver >8gb. Via mac/linux or windows method described here http://www.osxlatitu..._Latitudes.html 2)Install MACOSX via this flashdrive Then, instead of following this guide http://www.osxlatitude.com/groups/d4xosx/wiki/319f8/d4xOSX_package_10.html Upgrading bootloader... 1. Download "Booter_AsereBLN_v1.1.9.zip" and extract it to /asere 2. Open up a "Terminal" (Applications/Util.../Terminal) 3. start by typing "sudo su" [ENTER] ... enter your password and hit [ENTER] (yes, without the " ") 4. type: cd /asere [ENTER] 5. type: fdisk -f boot0 -u -y /dev/rdisk0 [ENTER] 6. type: dd if=boot1h of=/dev/rdisk0s2 [ENTER] 7. type: cp boot / [ENTER] I need to 3)Simply download and install this bootloader http://forum.osxlati...n-v20-rc5-r665/ 4)Download and install this http://forum.osxlati...ate-5-released/ By following this guide: 1. Download and copy over Extra.zip to / 2. Rename or remove your old Extra folder 3. Unzip Extra.zip to /Extra 4. Open terminal and do: sudo su [enter] chmod -R 777 /Extra cd /Extra ./edptool.command 5. Choose to do a new build matching your model (applemouse+Audio(Y)+lan(Y)+powerpack(N)) 6. Hold your breath and reboot Additional this guide to have sleepmode enabled: http://www.osxlatitu...e_with_OSX.html Am I correct? If yes, then why this guide still exist? http://www.osxlatitu...package_10.html Its longer (take a loot at bootloader part) and laptop can't boot by it self.
sleep function doesnt work? laptop just freeze on wakeup
re-run this app http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCTOn2wU7sM no network is working updating...
dell d620 which should i choose?)
weird, lan internet is not working. he tells me that there are no connection.
proof!) Tell me, its impossible to have wifi from intel card? Cause i don't have broadcom... So i have to use my iphone for having internet connection...
any way, its working! just rebooted and it loaded by itself, thx Now, i have osx 10.6, right? and latest version is 10.6.6 Build 10J567 Can i just use app software update or it will ruin my "pirate" macos?)
there are no "default theme". only this things i can choose chameleonrc5 bootcamptheme chameleonprefpane btw, i already tried both 687 and 665. And didn't know that i need to exclude something. Did i messed up smth?)