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Everything posted by thefiredragon

  1. You should look for my posts here in this thread, there a good solution over Rebhabmans ioio , so you can write a command which can be loaded by starting the system or you edit the info.plist which is contained in the .kext. I had wrote this in the past here.
  2. I had edit the plist, for a other configuration. 2 Finger Tab for Right Click. Also I had edit some gestures and the scrolling with 2 fingers. All gestures are working great. It's important to edit under keyboard the gestures to use it with the trackpad. click on the action you want to use and do the gesture to save the shortcut. The value for right click was wrong here at the documentation. 33 works fine to provide a right click on the info.plist. It would be great, if someone could take a look if there's a way to enable the elastic scroll animation. I had try out something without result.. defaults write -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding -bool true greetings, ApplePS2SmartTouchPad.kext.zip
  3. Use ioio https://github.com/RehabMan/OS-X-ioio install it to: usr/bin and put the commands to the terminal, then you have right click with two fingers. my last post at 117. it works and its easy to understand. you can also use ioreg to look for other configurations.. easy going..
  4. download ioio and copy it to the system folder and run this: ioio -s ApplePS2SmartTouchpad Clicking 1 ioio -s ApplePS2SmartTouchpad Dragging 1 ioio -s ApplePS2SmartTouchpad TrackpadRightClick 1 ioio -s ApplePS2SmartTouchpad DragLock 0 ioio -s ApplePS2SmartTouchpad DragExitDelayTime 0 ioio -s ApplePS2SmartTouchpad EdgeSwipes 0 then you can use tap 2 fingers for right click
  5. Hey, I'm using the last version from you (beta 5) When I scroll up or down with two fingers, the windows are maximize or change to little view .. and also the swipes with 3 fingers does not work to use multiple desktops. It would be great if you could solve this. Also it would be great if you could improve the feature on web browsing that the site can scrolling more up and down. This is a great hook, Best Regards and Thanks for your work
  6. Hey there, Thanks for your work and the driver for Elan. I don't know if this is a bug or I need only to change the settings, when I'm scroll with 2 fingers, the window get sometimes switched to fullscreen and sometimes not. This I would like to change but how? Does someone have an idea? Also I'm using ioio to configure my trackpad at startup.. does someone know with wich value I could change the scrolling speed? ioio -s ApplePS2SmartTouchpad Clicking 1 ioio -s ApplePS2SmartTouchpad Dragging 1 ioio -s ApplePS2SmartTouchpad TrackpadRightClick 1 ioio -s ApplePS2SmartTouchpad DragLock 0 ioio -s ApplePS2SmartTouchpad DragExitDelayTime 0 Regards, David
  7. I have found this: A other guy mean the ec can controlled over the acpi, but I need to change the dsdt patch txt SB.PCI0.LPCB.EC0.ECMX This does not exist at the lenovo Also I found a dsdt patch for a other Lenovo here at your forum. the NBFC config file for the Lenovo is this here: <?xml version="1.0"?> <FanControlConfigV2 xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <NotebookModel>Lenovo Yoga 710 KabyLake</NotebookModel> <EcPollInterval>3000</EcPollInterval> <ReadWriteWords>false</ReadWriteWords> <CriticalTemperature>99</CriticalTemperature> <FanConfigurations> <FanConfiguration> <ReadRegister>6</ReadRegister> <WriteRegister>176</WriteRegister> <MinSpeedValue>22</MinSpeedValue> <MaxSpeedValue>80</MaxSpeedValue> <IndependentReadMinMaxValues>true</IndependentReadMinMaxValues> <MinSpeedValueRead>0</MinSpeedValueRead> <MaxSpeedValueRead>59</MaxSpeedValueRead> <ResetRequired>true</ResetRequired> <FanSpeedResetValue>0</FanSpeedResetValue> <FanDisplayName>Fan</FanDisplayName> <TemperatureThresholds> <TemperatureThreshold> <UpThreshold>40</UpThreshold> <DownThreshold>0</DownThreshold> <FanSpeed>0</FanSpeed> </TemperatureThreshold> <TemperatureThreshold> <UpThreshold>50</UpThreshold> <DownThreshold>45</DownThreshold> <FanSpeed>50</FanSpeed> </TemperatureThreshold> <TemperatureThreshold> <UpThreshold>55</UpThreshold> <DownThreshold>45</DownThreshold> <FanSpeed>75.86207</FanSpeed> </TemperatureThreshold> <TemperatureThreshold> <UpThreshold>60</UpThreshold> <DownThreshold>50</DownThreshold> <FanSpeed>100</FanSpeed> </TemperatureThreshold> </TemperatureThresholds> <FanSpeedPercentageOverrides /> </FanConfiguration> </FanConfigurations> <RegisterWriteConfigurations /> </FanControlConfigV2> perhaps this could help
  8. nbfc is working on windows with this notebook. But how it could be ported?
  9. I don't think that the issue is by the smbios, on windows lots of people have the same problem that the fan is alltime running, Lenovo dont solve this but at the Lenovo thread I found a program to override the ec (embedded controller) For the probock there is a same dsdt patch that Mac can control the ec over acpi. The Fan start at 31C and don't stop. I have patched dsdt and ssdt files and dropped oem. All is working fine. Backlight control battery, sound wlan bluetooth. https://forums.lenovo.com/t5/Lenovo-Yoga-Series-Notebooks/Yoga-710-Constant-Fan-Noise-even-when-idle/td-p/3354501 A other guy mean I can write a own acpi dsdt but I never have scripted this, I can work with php html css .. but not with hardware specific programming. I also don't know wich modules are for the right actions. It would be nice, if there is a way to setup also the start stop ec variables to the dsdt to get a controlled fan on macOS
  10. Hey I'm new here, I have a big question, I would also pay for a solution, Could it possible to create a DSDT Patch for the yoga 710 ? I found a really big thread by Lenovo and there are some guides to override the ec control (this solutions are for windows) I can add the link if this is helpful. Perhaps someone can tell me how I can get the right information from my notebook to create a dsdt patch? I also have a unlocked Bios, but the Thermal Settings don't work for me. Cause I can't disable the ec control. Best Regards Dan
  11. I get all working, thanks so this is solved, for me, best Regards,
  12. I had try this but I get this: No service matching "ApplePS2SmartTouchPad"
  13. This I have, I only would know the name for the elan touchpad.. I had created a launcherdeamon and a plist for auto start at boot up, I will test it, best thanks to you
  14. Hey, I'm new here, I had never problems with synaptic trackpad and the voodops2 kext., now I have a new notebook with a elan trackpad. I had used ioio to setup my trackpad: ioio -s ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad Clicking 1 ioio -s ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad Dragging 1 ioio -s ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad TrackpadRightClick 1 ioio -s ApplePS2SynapticsTouchPad DragLock 1 So yet I don't know how I can enable one and two finger tap for click and right click, I don't like to click.. I prefer tapping,, perhaps someone can help me? Best Regards, ​So Also I don't understand at the link to the prefpane how I can set it up, that my settings will be loaded at boot up... http://www.hackintosh.zone/file/997-correct-preference-pane-trackpad-macos-sierra/
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