Hi all! I am currently using Mojave and the VoodooPS2Controller and the Trackpad works well but I don't have any gesture.
I tried to use the ApplePS2SmartTouchPad kext and gestures works (Only the 4 fingers tho) but the clicks are not ok and it's unusable for that.
My friend has a T480S with an Elan trackpad and that kext works very well on his laptop.
My trackpad is a Synaptics one and i read that is supported one the ApplePS2 kext.
I tried already to change some plist values of the kext without success. Can someone help me to have a fully functional trackpad?
Thanks in advance
EDIT: I tried the VoodooPS2 and SSDT-KBD.aml from the Clover folder of the following post but I think is the same from mine VoodooPS2 (trackpad ok but no gestures).