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Help DSDT+SSDT for Asus S451LB | Sierra 10.12.6


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Hello everyone,


This is actually great forum, i learn on this forum to get understand about running MacOS on Intel-based system, so i really wonder 'can i do it myself'.


And yes, finally i can install MacOs Sierra 10.12.6 on my Asus S451LB (Vivobook). But the problem is i'm not really good to understanding about machine language (ACPI). So i created this post to ask about DSDT and SSDT for my laptop and get the Mac Os running well.


How to patch many issue that don't work after install that OS, can anyone explain and help me to patch the dsdt and ssdt effectively, so my laptop can stable to running that OS ? I'm very gratefull.


Thanks in advance,

Anyway sorry for my bad english.

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@Jake Lo, Yesterday i tried to install High Sierra with DSDT and SSDT from My Friend with same laptop (Asus S451LB) and a few problem is partially fixed, something like :


- nvidia has disabled

- brightness is can be adjusted from setting > display (but when restart is cannot store value of latest brightness, i have installed emuvariable and rc script).

- audio is working, but hdmi audio not

- qe/ci working (installing fakepciid from rehabman)

- battery indicator is working


and about dsdt and ssdt, i want to know what list of patched (dsdt&ssdt) is used to fix the problem and maybe you can help me. 


anyway, can i send kextcache log with output of command "sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions && sudo kextcache -u /" instead of following your link above ? If yes i'll send it letter with clover folder too.



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@Jake Lo, here sir. I send the clover and ioreg (connect and not connected). Anyway my laptop only have HDMI port (no vga port)





Output : 

aldos-mbp:~ aldoalfalus$ sudo touch /System/Library/Extensions && sudo kextcache -u /
Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fc58c032f20 [0x7fff9f0ca570]> { URL = "toledaARPT.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "com.apple.driver.toledaARPT" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fc58bdbf6e0 [0x7fff9f0ca570]> { URL = "FakePCIID_XHCIMux.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "org.rehabman.driver.FakePCIID.XHCIMux" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fc58bdb79d0 [0x7fff9f0ca570]> { URL = "FakePCIID.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "org.rehabman.driver.FakePCIID" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fc58bdba7d0 [0x7fff9f0ca570]> { URL = "FakePCIID_Intel_HDMI_Audio.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "org.rehabman.injector.FakePCIID-Intel-HDMI-Audio" }
Kext with invalid signatured (-67062) allowed: <OSKext 0x7fc58bdb85b0 [0x7fff9f0ca570]> { URL = "FakePCIID_Intel_HD_Graphics.kext/ -- file:///System/Library/Extensions/", ID = "org.rehabman.injector.FakePCIID-Intel-HD-Graphics" }
KernelCache ID: ED432C9240BDB5CFE09F85BD040FFF94
aldos-mbp:~ aldoalfalus$ 

CLOVER.zipFetching info...

Ioreg.zipFetching info...

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Thanks, now the hdmi audio works now. So the problem is on my SSDT-10.aml (IGPU) right ? 

Next question is about :


- full speed usb 3

- about brightness, i already installed emuvariable and rc script but it doesnt restore my latest brightness value after restart

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