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[SUCCESS] Upgrade to High Sierra E6330


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To Jake Lo :

When I did repair permissions and rebuild cache through Terminal, I got a following message (attached file). The AppleBakLight Injector is not loaded.

I can control BackLight with FnUp and FnDown keys, but I cannot see the cursor like in Windows10.

I have another question. Do I have to update the SMBIOS, as specified in the Clover guide?

Error_Repairand Rebuild.rtfFetching info...

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Since the AppleBackLightInjector.kext is not loaded, I remove it from the /L/E folder, redo Permissions and rebuild cache. I can still control the back light with FnUp and FnDown keys, it means that I do not need the kext. I also updated new serial with the MacBook Pro 10.2 instead of the MacBook Air 5.2 .

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To Hervé: Thank for the info. Merci beaucoup.


In my Clover boot menu I have four options to boot after upgrading from Sierra to High Sierra:

- Boot macOS from ... : normal boot OK

- Boot macOS Install from Recovery HD : got a message macOS could not be installed on your computer

- Boot macOS from Recovery HD : got a Stop sign screen

- Boot Recovery from Recovery HD : got to macOS Utilities screen OK.


How can I get rid of the second and third useless options?

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