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[SOLVED] E7240 - first time install High Sierra - Need help!!

Chính Xuân Mai

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So I have managed to install the High Sierra successfully, I have followed the general guide which can be found here. I have also gone through the guide for E7240. Everything besides Wifi, Bluetooth and Audio works just fine.


As mentioned above I used a BCM94352, and I haven't tried to fix it yet. I searched for the information on the internet and got a bit confused. About the audio, I have done every step of the guide correctly, but it is still not working. Could you give me some suggestions for fixing those issues?

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Thanks a lot for your help the audio is working right now, and the system has already recognized my wifi card. The only issues right now are:

1. The screen doesn't adjust brightness automatically and the hot key for it doesn't work as well (Fn + up)

2. The wifi icon is already on the top bar, but it's always off, and could not be turned on as well

3. Bluetooth seems not to work, I couldn't check for its functionality.

4. Sometimes the system doesn't recognize audio when turned on, I need to restart to solve it.

Would you kindly give me further instructions for what I should do next

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I tried the debug tool, but it just doesn't work without the internet :(( any suggestion? one more thing is that if I turn on the airplane mode using the switch on the left side,  both bluetooth and wifi will stop working. If I turn the switch back on, only bluetooth can be activated, Wifi stays off.


P/s: I only tried the codes that you gave above, nothing happened. Actually the wifi has been on for 1s, then it's off automatically again. There might be some problems with the searching-for-Network function.

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