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DSDT DELL E6430 with nVidia NVS 5200M graphics


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I thank you for the moment that you have replied, I am not very practical on the subject so I apologize to you if I will have difficulty with English too, with your help maybe I could stay easier, is Jake's dsdt correct? because with maciasl it always gives me 3 errors
Thank you and good day


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  1. Make sure you run with the correct MaciASL version
  2. Make sure MaciASL is properly setup



MaciASL_version.jpg   MaciASL_settings.jpg


Once you run with the correct version and the right settings, you'll find that the DSDT table you uploaded on post #1 only contains 1 error (that you'll easily fix) and nothing else.


This being said, what's the reason why you would want to patch the E6430 raw DSDT from scratch and not use the pre-patched E6430 DSDT that JakeLo gave you?


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Good evening guys, you are very kind in answering, I would like to try to make you understand the problems that I am encountering in doing the mojave installation on the laptop hoping that my little English can understand. I can do the installation but I have problems with the sleep and the awakening of the computer, sometimes it disables in the bios optimus and it doesn't start anymore, the audio also works me the bluetouth and wifi I put the DW1510 card, thanks
kind regards

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