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E6230 Big Sur DW1550 Wifi not work


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Very Excited about opencore. Very happy knowing Herve making a guide to install Big Sur with Opencore.


After finished install, my can't use my wifi. Try to install AirportBrcmFixup and BrcmPatchRAM from Dortania openore guide but still not work. Only my bluetooth now recognize by my system. 


Any useful information how to get my wifi working. I attach my EFi OC here. Thank You




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I just try the card in all 3 slot and still not working.


In system it said no driver installed. I don't know if I miss something in patching or not.


Thank you.


Edited by mringis
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@mringis Apple dropped AirPortBrcm4331 kext in Catalina; as such no support for Broadcom card 14e4:43b1 without applying some tricks. Look into our published wireless cards 2nd inventory for details.

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