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[Solved] Latitude 7400: no success with OpenCore


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I found this thread very useful !!!
I have just started my first hackintosh following the Dortania's OpenCore Install Guide and it does not work.
@austincloudguru When I compare to your config.plist I dont' event know where you have found all this information ...
Can you share ths whole stuff (kext and acpi...) ?
I am attaching my current efi.




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Finally I took a EFI from another 7400 thread titled "Latitude 7400 OpenCore" and I am progressing a bit since I could see the Apple logo but then it rebooted.
Now I would like to test an update of the EFI done by aaugustowski but in my case I have an i5-8365U  and not an i7 so I have to decompile his acpi files to change that ...
Update: does not work either....Â đŸ˜©



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Finally I have found a better version that seems to boot a bit further until a kernel panic about IONVMeFamilly (I normally have NVMeFix.kext)
I have attached aida64 with all the information about pc and my original dsdt.

Aida64-Latitude-7400.zip dsdt-original.zip EFI-BestOne.zip

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