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E6420: Unable to install Big Sur with OpenCore


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So i was trying to install mac os big sur recently

I followed the opencore guide and made myself a bootable installation. Then making was hell lot harder, after 6days of screeming i finally decided to go with prebuilt efi folder for my laptop. It hopefully booted then there was apple logo after choosing the mac os installer from boot menu 😋


But latter it got slower and slower and got stuck at half see pics.

To figure out the problem i tried enabling debugging as mentioned in this guide https://dortania.github.io/OpenCore-Install-Guide/troubleshooting/debug.html#config-changes


After that i found rather unexpected, the boot was getting stuck at Alps : touchpad driver, this didnt make any sense to me as why will it get stuck

Image below

My efi folder with a log 


Any any help would be very helpful and thanks in advance if are here to help me out 




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Apparently it's a Latitude E6420...


@VGX.SAM I wouldn't waste my time if I were you. Look at existing threads such as this.


The Latitude E6240 is a Sandy Bridge laptop fitted with either HD3000 graphics or HD3000/nVidia NVS 4200M graphics (Optimus).

  1. Look up our Supported/unsupported GPU thread in our Graphics forum subsection.
  2. NVS4200M dGPU is of Fermi generation and was last supported in OS X El Capitan 10.11. E6x20 cannot run on this dGPU since macOS Sierra 10.12.
  3. HD3000 iGPU was last officially supported in High Sierra 10.13. Support may be extended beyond High Sierra but only in OpenGLmode (no support for Metal) through specific patches. In Mojave 10.14, the patches are fairly simple to apply. Things get far more complicated in Catalina 10.15 and require to use a dedicated patching tool (dosdude1's patcher) that, I think, limits the ability to apply Security Updates of 10.15.7 (I think one needs a separate tool for that). I understand patches were also made available for Big Sur 11 but I've no experience with those. Nothing suitable exists for Monterey which is a no go for HD3000 to date.

Keep in mind that HD3000 is a fairly poor iGPU that suffers from buggy drivers beyond OS X Yosemite 10.10 leading to graphics defects/artefacts/gremlins on screen: over time you'll end up with black horizontal lines, pixelisation, corrupt pictures, etc. If running with max. RAM and therefore max. VRAM (8GB RAM-> 512MB VRAM) does improve things a little, there's no fix and all those require nothing but a reboot. Given the graphics bugs you'll experience, my recommendation is to go no higher than High Sierra or Mojave on this now-obsolete laptop.


The prebuilt OpenCore EFI folder you use is unsuitable to your E6240; there are many things to review: kexts, ACPI tables, config. For instance, it injects inappropriate and unnecessary kexts (eg: AtherosE2200Ethernet and RealtekRTL8111 LAN drivers, NVMeFix kext) and tables. The config is also missing key elements, especially on the properties injection side (eg: nothing for graphics, audio, card reader, etc.). I don't know where you got this from but it's really not for your laptop.


I invite you to refer to my E6220 guide for pointers and information. You'll see that, in my last contributions for Mojave and Catalina, there was no need for patched DSDT and that patched SSDTs sufficed. I must say that, for Catalina, I was unable to succeed in booting a Catalina USB installer for fresh installation; this despite my numerous efforts to do so and I think I ain't too bad at Hackintoshing...


If you keep OpenCore as bootloader, make sure you specify the version you use or you'll have trouble getting the appropriate support because an OC config varies from one OC version to the next in accordance to the changes brought by the devs.

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