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Precision 7710: Enable Switchable Graphics Unchecked After Reboot

Go to solution Solved by Jake Lo,

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I have a Dell Precision 7710 Laptop that I upgraded from Big Sur to Monterey and I have to have Enable Switchable Graphics checked in the BIOS every time I boot/reboot to enable the Intel HD Graphics P530 iGPU, otherwise, it just boots with a Display 8 MB.


Under Big Sur, I ran the Nvidia Quadro M3000M with Enable Switchable Graphics unchecked without issue other than having to close and open the lid after reboot.


I have disabled the Nvidia Quadro M3000M with the disable-gpu (true) key under PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x1), I initially disabled it with the boot-arg -wegnoegpu and it behaved the same way.


Under PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0), I have the following keys:

     AAPL,ig-platform-id : 00001619

     device-id : 16190000

     framebuffer-fbmem : 00009000

     framebuffer-patch-enable : 01000000

     framebuffer-stolenmem : 00003001

     hda-gfx : onboard-1


I followed the Dortania guide for my initial Big Sur setup and for the OpenCore upgrade, which is now 0.9.7 and my kexts (AppleALC, IntelMausi, Lilu, NVMeFix, SMCBatteryManager, SMCDellSensors, SMCProcessor, SMCSuperIO, USBMap, VirtualSMC, VoodooPS2Controller, and WhateverGreen) are the current ones from the past week or so, other than my USBMap.


In searching, the most I've found is that it might be a known issue and can be fixed in UEFI rather than the BIOS (currently 1.31.3), but I haven't found any clarification on that.


Thanks for any help you could provide and let me know if there's any other details that would help in troubleshooting.

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You need switchable graphics enabled in the BIOS for the Intel graphics to work. 

I think you can mod the BIOS like my Precision 7510. 

Download my Precision 7510 ventura files. Inside the Boot folder is a folder call DVMT

Copy that whole folder into your Boot folder

Go to the your BIOS and create a boot option, point it to /EFI/Boot/DVMT/boot.efi, call it DVMT or whatever.

Reboot, select F12 and select this new boot option. It'll load the modified Grub

At the boot menu, select 1, this will enable the Intel Graphics and disable the Nvidia, change the DVMT pre-allocated to 96mb. With this you can disable these in the Config file

   framebuffer-fbmem : 00009000

   framebuffer-stolenmem : 00003001

After that, you should not have to keep re-enabling Switchable Graphics manually.


If you look in the grub.cfg file with textedit, you'll see it does work for both 7510 and 7710.

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