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Dell Latitude 7370 mojave boot errors


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Ok, let's try with a more basic setup with a revised config:

  1. if you inject ACPI patched table SSDT-UIAC for USB ports, don't inject USBInjectAll at the same time; it's either/or, not both.
  2. given that you stated you have an Intel combo wireless/Bluetooth card, I don't see why you inject all those Broadcom kexts for Bluetooth and Wireless; disable them all in your config at minimum; ideally delete them all since they're of no use to you.
  3. disable SystemProfilerMemoryFixup kext; I'm not convince you need that to begin with.
  4. disable VerbStub + CodecCommander kexts.
  5. disable CtlnaAHCIPort kext
  6. update Lilu and its Plugins to latest versions (AppleALC, Whatevergreen)
  7. update VirtualSMC and its PlugIns to latest version

Make sure to reset NVRAM at OC Picker when you reboot, then reboot again.

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Sorry can't help you without substance.


Check your BIOS settings.

Ensure you apply suitable OpenCore settings according to the Dortania configuration.

Maybe make a fresh USB installer.

Switch to Clover.


You know, that kind of things.

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try these patches or replace the drive

<string>IONVMeFamily: Ignore FLBAS bit:4 being set - for Plextor/LiteOn/Hynix</string>
<string>IONVMeFamily patch for SSD Liteon etc. (c)jief_machak</string>



                <string>IONVMeFamily patch for SSD Liteon etc. (c)jief_machak</string>


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