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sandro, with your clover folder my audio doesn't work anymore.. you have the same problem?

edit: solved installing VoodooHDA-2.8.8.pkg 


some kext for trackpad? not working very well... there isn't any gesture...


edit2: solved for trackpad using ApplePS2SmartTouchPad.kext now work like a charm..


still some issue with audio too.. was activated but no sound... i've reinstalled voodoo hda 2.8.8 and now works another time... see if will continue to work..


need to fix camera.. osx doesn't recognize it... 

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I'd been working on this computer since of the beginning of 2014 and I can say that OS X can be stable on it with El Capitan 10.11.4 :D

What I've done :
- replaced optical drive with an SSD 
- replaced the AR9485 with the BCM94352 

Working :


- Intel i7-4700HQ (near all P-States)

- Intel HD 4600 with native screen resolution and gfx acceleration (1)

- Sound - Realtek ALC668 (2)

- Sleep (I only checked by closing the lid)

- USB2 & USB3 (3)

- Ethernet

- WLAN with BCM94352 (4)

- Bluetooth (4)

- Elan touchpad 

- Keyboard

- Battery (about 2h30 but my computer is near 3 years old)

- Touchscreen 

- Webcam



Not Working :

- Nvidia Geforce 750M (disable by DSDT because the card is not connected to the screen or external ports)

- SD Card reader (no drivers but passthought with VMware Fusion and Windows is working)



Not checked :

- sound on HDMI

- Bluetooth Handoff (should be working)



(1) HD 4600

Glitch at boot 

Glitch on install : close and open the lid

Glitch on external display connection : close and open the lid or put the computer to sleep

Brightness is working


(2) Sound

Configured AppleHDA but quality was not so good : VoodooHDA 2.8.8 + little mods of the plist work much better

There is no sound from internal speaker is you reboot from Windows or shutdown with fastboot enabled.  -> can be fixed with codec Commander (if you choose to use appleHDA)


(3) USB

USB 2 & 3 working 

All the ports are redirected to the XHCI drivers 
EHCI is never used

USB2 ports : 3 external ports + USB Card reader + USB Webcam + USB Touchscreen

USB3 ports : 3 external ports


(4) WLAN

5 ghz working with clover patch 

bluetooth works most of the time but sometimes the firmware upload fails and you have to restart


Note : config.plist is not completed. You have to add the serial number to get iCloud, iMessage, etc.. to work. I cannot share mines. Looks for TODO in the plist.


Installation process :

1 - prepare OS X installer (Vanilla)

2 - install Clover EFI and use my clover folder (config + dsdt + kexts..)

3 - after installation, install BrcmFirmwareRepo and patchRam2 + VoodooHDA on /S/L/E




- clean DSDT

- switch to AppleHDA (headphone jack doesn't work well)

- bios patch to enable Haswell Lake Tiny



A big thanks to all the people who have worked on it, like amokk - he has done most of work. 

I'm not the creator of the kexts or dsdt patch I used. We have to thank :

- Rehabman

- PikerAlpha

- EMlyDinEsH

- slice

- Mieze

- and all the others



N550JV-OSX.zipFetching info...

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