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Startup hanging after EDP update and config on D430


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As I've had some problems with crashes at boot and wakeup I decided to update to "latest" on my D430. It's on OSX 10.7.5 and I updated to latest EDP rev 679 and ran a default build for D430. For extra cleanliness I also executed the "touch kernel extensions" fix.

After rebooting it has so far spent four hours on the startup screen with the OSXLATITUDE apple above a spinner. I don't see any disk activity.


Is this expected?

Can I do something to get it running?




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I gave up waiting and did a verbose boot. The last two log messages are:


ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::registerLPCDriver - failed to locate SMC driver

ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin::registerLPCDriver - WARNING - LPC device initialization failed: C-state power management not initialized


I can boot into single-user mode.

Anything I can do here on the command line to fix the problem?

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I replaced my /Extra folder entirely with yours, but same thing happens and bootup hangs on the same place. I also tried an Extra.backup folder I found on my system with the same result.


Is your belief that the system is hanging on what is about to be logged, or on what has just been logged? I've seen forum mentions about "failed to locate SMC driver" that suggest to install FakeSMC. Do you think this is relevant?


Best regards


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Hm, this is strange. Yesterday I performed Download EDP Updates from within EDPWeb and ended up with rev 679 printed in EDPweb's title after doing a refresh.


As the machine is unable to boot to anything other than the single user prompt I can't run EDPWeb. Can I update EDP and do the build from the command line?




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I don't have the graphical desktop mentioned in the docs http://www.osxlatitude.com/edp/documentation/post-installation/ as I can only boot to single-user mode.

Is it still possible to run the EDP Installer from the command line, without a graphical desktop?

What directories or packages belong to EDP? (I'm thinking about wiping everything clean before reinstalling)




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Now I discovered that after installing Herve's /Extra folder I no longer have keyboard in single-user mode. I get the root# prompt, but can't type any commands.


So need to solve that problem first before trying to update EDP... :-(


Any boot flag that can solve this?

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if i remember correctly you have to change something in the voodoo or whatever ps2 plist files from 

Safe-Boot something like that

or you need a usb keyboard or replace the ps2 kext with the one that worked for you.

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