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10.9.1 Post install issue on E6530 i5 - HD4000


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Hi All, 


I first thank you for all the advices you would provide.


I tried to install OSX Mavericks 10.9.1, on my DELL LATITUDE E6530 ( BIOS a14 - i5 3380M@2.9GHz - 8GB - HHD 500 - intel HD4000 ) following the nice guide from Jake Lo.


The installation part went fine. I did put his Extra folder (using my own choice) at the end of the installation.

But the problem is now booting post installation. The HDD is for the moment not bootable ( invalid partition table ) So I use the USB drive to boot.


If I boot in verbose mode (-v) it stops there :

SuperIODevice: [Fatal] found unsupported ship ID=0x300

(see attached image).


I've check my bios. It has been set to default, hdd to seat to AHCI, c-state is enabled.

I've also tried to remove for /Extra folder the SSDT and DSDT, as my CPU is not the same as Jake Lo, then run myHack, but it still don't boot.


I've tried several boot (such as " GraphicsEnabler=No  cpus=1 npci=0x3000 … " , and the only one which works is the "safe mode " : -x .

So it seems that the issue come from a driver, so how could I troubleshoot which one to remove ?



Thank for your help,





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  On 1/30/2014 at 3:41 PM, van_axl said:

Hi All, 


I first thank you for all the advices you would provide.


I tried to install OSX Mavericks 10.9.1, on my DELL LATITUDE E6530 ( BIOS a14 - i5 3380M@2.9GHz - 8GB - HHD 500 - intel HD4000 ) following the nice guide from Jake Lo.


The installation part went fine. I did put his Extra folder (using my own choice) at the end of the installation.

But the problem is now booting post installation. The HDD is for the moment not bootable ( invalid partition table ) So I use the USB drive to boot.


If I boot in verbose mode (-v) it stops there :

SuperIODevice: [Fatal] found unsupported ship ID=0x300

(see attached image).


I've check my bios. It has been set to default, hdd to seat to AHCI, c-state is enabled.

I've also tried to remove for /Extra folder the SSDT and DSDT, as my CPU is not the same as Jake Lo, then run myHack, but it still don't boot.


I've tried several boot (such as " GraphicsEnabler=No  cpus=1 npci=0x3000 … " , and the only one which works is the "safe mode " : -x .

So it seems that the issue come from a driver, so how could I troubleshoot which one to remove ?



Thank for your help,



For the "Invalid Partition Table" error, just hit Enter to continue to boot. To fix it once you log on, install Chameleon with myHack. Instruction was in the guide.

What is the resolution of your screen? If it's higher than 1366x768, make sure to include the patched AppleIntelFramebufferCapri. You may use the DSDT but leave out the SSDTs as they are processor specific.

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Thanks for your fast help.

I've red the "invalid Partition Table" in the guide, but I wanted to  solve my boot issue first.


So I confirm that my resolution is 1600x900, I try to add in E/E the patch version of AppleIntelFrameBufferCapri but it seems to be the same result. I was not sure if the version in the guide was the one for Mav 10.9.1, so I found on this post what seems to be another patched AIFBC.kext = same issue.

If I remove from E/E this file, I got a black screen instead !


Is there something wrong with the High res version of AIFBC in Mav 10.9.1, or should I patch another linked kext ?



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  On 1/30/2014 at 7:02 PM, van_axl said:

Thanks for your fast help.

I've red the "invalid Partition Table" in the guide, but I wanted to  solve my boot issue first.


So I confirm that my resolution is 1600x900, I try to add in E/E the patch version of AppleIntelFrameBufferCapri but it seems to be the same result. I was not sure if the version in the guide was the one for Mav 10.9.1, so I found on this post what seems to be another patched AIFBC.kext = same issue.

If I remove from E/E this file, I got a black screen instead !


Is there something wrong with the High res version of AIFBC in Mav 10.9.1, or should I patch another linked kext ?



Did you run myHack/myfix (quick) after adding the file?

The error you posted ended with Bluetooth Controller, that usually mean your graphics is not loading which comes right after.

I upgraded my system from 10.9.0 to 10.9.1 without updating the patch and it's fine.

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  On 1/30/2014 at 8:04 PM, van_axl said:

Yes I did the myHack/myFix.

Is it possible that my HD4000 is different ? When booting in safe mode, I've check the id which is : 0x0166 0x0009 .


Is it the same ID as yours ?

Yes, same. Try booting with IntelCapriFB= -v, value=0 to 11 

Also check to see if you have AppleIntelHD4000Graphics.kext in SLE

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I'm not sure about what change the IntelCapriFB value, but I've for the moment tried from 0 to 4 without changes.

I've found AppleIntelHD4000Graphics (and also AppleIntelFramebufferCapri.kext ) in SLE.


Continuing the other CapriFB values ....

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  On 1/30/2014 at 9:05 PM, van_axl said:

Damn it, I tried all the values, with no luck : It always waits at the same screen. I was waiting 2 minutes after the end of any activity, I hope this was enough.

Since you don't have SSDT for your system for now, boot in SafeMode, launch Chameleon Wizard, enable "Generate C-States and P-States and disable "Drop SSDT". Save and reboot

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