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Ericsson F5521gw: problems under 10.11.6


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Hello Everyone,


a week ago, i got my T420 Lenovo and setup the system with a nice guide.

appart from that, i wanted to make my F5521gw running on that system, as i have seen that it runs OOB on 10.11.2.


Unfortunately, i have some Problems.


i used this guide:



i edited the CellPhoneHelper.kext file, like described (there is a typo btw in the Guide, it should be 0XBDB not 0XDBD)

and installed it to S/L/E and fixed the permissions and rebuilded the cache.


the Card is showing up as a WWAN, with some small information (like 5-6 Lines, i can post a screenshot this evening) but i do not get the options in the Network Preferences on the +.


Does anyone has an idea what is going wrong?

The WWAN Option is enabled in the Bios, under Windows, the card gets fully recognized, and also in the System Info from Mac i see it as a WWAN and under USB.

But i don't see something on the DCPIManager, which is kinda weird.


Kind regards


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Typo in the code line now fixed (Ericsson ven id is indeed 0x0BDB as listed at top of thread) but it's a pure cosmetic info so typo had no effect whatsoever. DPCIManager only lists devices on the PCI bus so it's perfectly normal that you do not see the WWAN module since it is USB.


I still have my module somewhere, so I'll try to dig it out and test again in EC 10.11.6 and Sierra 10.12 (Sierra retained same version v1.4.0 of CellPhoneHelper kext) but I definitely had it going when I tested it under 10.11.2.

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Tried the WWAN module on 10.11.6. Indeed, there's a problem as the CellPhoneHelper kext does not load. I need to look into this. It must be a side effect of the changes Apple made with the handling of USB ports/devices since El Capitan.

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Ok, it's exactly as I thought: the problem is just linked to the new way of handling USB ports introduced with El Capitan. The WWAN module works again with the same patch as described in the guide, provided you adjust your installation to handle USB ports properly. I've just verified this in El Capitan 10.11.6 and Sierra 10.12 on my E6220.



I had kept my DSDT with its original EHC1/EHC2 devices on the basis that all USB ports appeared to work Ok with MBP8,1 SMBIOS. However, if the external USB ports were Ok, it was not the same for the internal ones... On checking the IOReg, I found the WWAN module under port #6 of the 1st USB2.0 controller EHC1.



As it happens, the MBP8,1 Mac model carries 4 ports on each EHCx controller as standard, whereas on my E6220, the DSDT shows 6 ports per USB2.0 controller. I therefore:

  1. patched my DSDT to rename the EHCx devices to EH0x
  2. installed a classic USB_injector kext in which I defined 6 ports for MBP8,1-EH01 and MBP8,1-EH02 USB2.0 controllers as per IOReg/DSDT info

On reboot, the WWAN module was fully functional again.

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Hey Hervé,


i hope you can help me. I think i got abit more forward, but it does not work correctly, so what I did:


1. i checked my DSDT file, i found out that i have EH01 and EH02.

EH01 has 8 Ports, PRT0 - PRT7.

EH02 has 6 Ports, PRT8 - PRTC.


I checked IOReg and found this:


The WWAN Card is located in PRT3


2. then i grabed a USB Injector Kext from Rehab from this month.

I opened the info.plist and searched for the EH01 and EH02.

I found them, but the entries were not correct. the ports were called PR11, PR12, and so on.

I changed them to PTR0 - PTR7 and PTR8 - PTRC like it was visible on my DSDT.

i also changed the "integer" values of each of the prts according to the entry of the DSDT file.

Device (PRT0)
Name (_ADR, One)
Name (_UPC, Package(0x04)

i used the second line of _UPC in this example as the integer entry. when 0xFF was written, i used 255 (obvious ^^) and if it was Zero i used 0. (i colled the value i used in green in the code.


What i am very unsure about, is the following entry in the info.plist of the Injector:


my current Info.plist part about EH01 and EH02 looks like this right now.



  Reveal hidden contents



after i was done with this, i installed the USBInjector kext file to the S/L/E, fixed the permissions, rebuild the cache and restarted.

after that i had seen the following:



But i was not able to connect to t-mobile (i live in germany)

so i was checking abit arround in my system infos and so on, and noticed that my WWAN Entry was empty.

So i checked the CellPhoneHelper.kext and noticed that i did not copied the correct patched file to S/L/E.

I did that, fixed the permissions, rebuilded the cache and restarted the Laptop.


Now, the Card shows up in the System Info again, like this


But now the Entry on the NetworkPreferences is gone again :|


in the IOReg it looks now like this:




But now after i did all these modifications, it tells me the WWAN Card is on PRT0 o.o




I am not an expert to Hackintoshing in this level, i am kinda new. If you have an idea what i did wrong, i would highly appreciate it. because i do not know how to go further :(


Kind regards


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I don't know if this is necessary anymore.


i think i was able to get the correct data entries for all the Ports


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I had to fix the data entries for the EH02 entries, as they were nearly all the same.


Now after i restarted the Laptop, i have the WWAN Entry + a symbol in my TaskBar which sais "No Sim".

Only the Network preferences are missing.

I think i am on a good way ^^




i accidently turned the simcard the wrongway into the slot.

now the simcard is recognized correctly, and i also have 3 entries in my Network.

DSDT.aml.zipFetching info...

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