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E6430s: screen does not turn off when closing the lid


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with a new 6430s and the same efi/CLOVER folder as the older machine, I have the problem now that the Laptop display does not turn off when I close it.  with active Laptop display it only shows with one external montior, but two are connected to the docking station,. I am going through the other laptops settings, but I am not shure whats causing this..  any hint?

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Oh, No need for an own thread.. It turned out that I did have a copy paste error in the CapriFB patch. I guess that in conjunction with the docking station did have some misbehaving impact.

Anyways, thanks for reading, Hervé. Much appreciated!  I hope you can help me with my speed issue in the other thread. I will write
when I am finished with my sierra install and still having the problem. Thanks for all of your hard work.

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