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Everything posted by kushwavez

  1. Yes, its the max for my display. Of course, here you go. 08_11_00-34.zip
  2. It's just changed from iMac icon to this. But no Brightness. I read a forum that people fixed this issue by fixing DSDT. I don't know
  3. Yes, I'm using that right now, showed in attachment (Macbook Pro) but in Display Pane it showing iMac display. hmm. in FixEDID I choose Macbook Air (16:9). suppose I check AppleBacklightDisplay? I'll try that. Edit: Now using MacBook Pro's kext from FixEDID.
  4. Okay, it's fixed my internals, but no DisplayPane. Finally I got into that display pane, used a kext provided by FixEDID. Night mode fixed, but there is no brightness bar.
  5. Update: It's finally seeing my internals! I just edited my config.plist, changed smbios to iMac14,2 (I know it's weird but worked lol). And this also gave access to my Ethernet. So The last things should be figured out are the Display pane and Light Control. Here I attach the edited config if you want. aspire_v5-591g.zip
  6. hmm..weird. with 13,3 it's failed, but with 11,5 finally booted and gained access to install Mac on the external drive. Even no HDD internal in disk util. I installed Sierrra to the external, working: Bluetooth(Tested), Graphics, Audio(ALC255,fixed with kext), Battery info(fixed with kext) . Not working: WiFi(replaced), Ethernet, Light Control, Internal drive. Actually I can't get into Display settings (on the pic).
  7. Here I attach some information about my HDD and device manager. BIOS does not show anything. doesn't have AHCI-SATA function to enable/disable.
  8. there are no nvme controller so seems I don't have NVMe SSD. I have SATA but not SSD, just HDD
  9. I checked on Windows, there is Intel 100 series/c230 sata ahci controller. is that? and 1TB SATA HDD
  10. I tried installing to an external drive, but says "macOS Sierra is already installed on this Mac" but it's completely erased and formatted to HFS+J. weird. Here I attach pictures. I also checked terminal, there isn't my drive.
  11. okay, so I updated clover, and I have HFSPlus.efi, and thanks my touchpad and keyboard got working (Synaptics), but again no hdd in disk utils. I also have sata-unsupported.kext and other sata kexts.
  12. Thanks! Finally got to the install screen! Keyboard and touch pad not working but I think I could install. I used external keyboard and mouse. But in disk utils I can't see my hard drive (1 TB HDD).
  13. Sierra 10.12.5 from app store. (tried El Capitan and 10.12 Sierra before and gave the same error) Yes I tried all of my usb ports
  14. I could, Here I attach the origin folder of ACPI. I also tried with your config, first didn't got to boot, because it said "This version of Mac OS X is not supported on this platform", but no problem, I used "-no_compat_check" arg. but got the same panic as in the #1 post. I have V1.14 BIOS. origin.zip
  15. Thank you for reply! I put these 2 kexts to my USB stick to "EFI\CLOVER\kexts\Other" but same getting the first error screen I attached. I need to use mempatch or something? I'll attach the complete CLOVER folder. (using the latest clover) CLOVER.zip
  16. Okay, I'll check this out soon, but not with El Capitan as in post, with Sierra. Is that okay? And my DVMT pre-allocated memory is at 128 MB, I checked it. Shoul I use 5510_HD530_Disabled-Nvidia.zip that you attached? memory
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