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  1. Thanks, great, complete answer! Too bad I can't turn the machine into some awesome playground to play with Mac OS. I'll just have to give it a shot on my main working machine, a Skylake of which I am sure will support it Is Lion still usable? I would love to try xcode, but I probably won't work on Lion?
  2. Hello guys, I try to install El Capitan (yes I know Sierra's been released already) on my Dell XPS M1210. The machine rocks: - a Core2duo T5500 - 1GB of RAM (yet to be upgraded to 4GB) - Intel 945GM graphics (good ol' Intel GMA) - a 120GB SSD I tried this guide, because I figured the D630 and the M1210 are somewhat similar under the hood(?): https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/8645-dell-latitude-d630-with-core2duo-and-nvidia-quadro-nvs-135m-el-capitansierra/ This way it hangs at "[begin PCI configuration]" (or didn't I just wait long enough?) I look forward to hearing from you. Regards, Rick Please excuse me for any mistakes in my English. I am Dutch, English is not my native language.
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