Hi. I got some issues..
I having issues with the 2 fingers scroll..
I have disabled 2 Fingers Continuous scroll but still get the effect. It keeps scrolling when I don't release my finger.
Edge Swipe. I disable the edge swipes except the right edge. I set it to Notification centre.
It can open the Notification Centre (swipe from outside to touchpad) but I can't close it back (swipe from touchpad to outside)
I have to re-swipe it again (swipe from outside to touchpad)
Can you fix/re-add the vice-versa swapping? Thx.
I can disable the touchpad by using Context Menu + F9 (On ASUS A46CA).
But when I press Esc, the touchpad is re-enabled.
Thanks for the driver.
Hope you can fix these soon.
Thank you.
Ok i just disable the finer brightness and I get my brighness shortcut and turn off display shortcut back..
Just only the touchpad is still buggy when disable the touchpad, plus it's hard to 2fingScroll..
And I have disable auto scroll and continuous scroll but still get continuous scroll when reaching top edge of the touchpad..
Any fix for these?
Sir, I would like to report..
I use 3.8.5 on my ASUS A46CA and it can't fn + brightness (F5 F6), turn off display, and has bug when dsabling the touchpad (when I pressed esc it turned back on)
Is there any fix?
Hi Emily.. I change the value of RightEdge Swipe into 14 (Edge Swipe Enabled), that means Notification Center.
It don't work on mine with latest Kext version + 10.9.1
Not working on mine..
I got this:
BTFirmwareUploader(0xffffff80074c5000)::start - failed to write firmware to bulk pipe (65)
I'm using v1.5, my card is AR9485+AR3012, PID: 3362, VID: 13D3, Half-mini PCIe