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loganw last won the day on September 20 2020

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  1. Tried to installed HoRNDIS on "macOS". It failed with the error: Installation failed. I opened disk utility and saw that, there are 2 partitions "macOS" and "macOS - Data" how did this happen? Could this be the source of unable to install this app?
  2. hehe -- you're telling a blind man what colours are. All those descriptions are just words to me. I'm installing it. So far, it's restarted twice and I used clover to continue the installation from the SSD. Now it says 10 minutes remaining. If all goes well...any mandatory steps I have to complete after it's installed and booted into macOS Catalina from the SSD?
  3. OK -- I am an idiot. It is not an NVMe SSD. This is what I got from the BIOS: SK HYNIX SC308 series Solid State Drive 2.5" and M.2 512GB Let me try removing the NVMe kext and see if that solves it. EDIT: It appears that the EFI Folder does NOT have an NVMe kext and the patch in config.plist is also set to "disabled". EDIT2: I removed a "SCMHelper" file located in EFI > drivers > UEFI folder and now I am back into the installer using the boot args -v -igfxvesa
  4. WHAT I HAVE DONE: I created the USB installer with the createinstallmedia command installed clover 5119 and tried with the latest version too used Clover Configurator and mounted EFI folder installed bootpack for Catalina booted up installation with boot args -x -f -v -igfxvesa Note: Catalina Installer is from official Apple Servers. WHAT'S GOING ON: After being greeted with the language selection screen, I selected English. Opened disk utility and formatted the NVMe SSD to MacOS journaled. Then, returned to the installation screen... and behold... I could not see the partition available to install macOS onto. So I just restarted the laptop and used clover boot loader to try to restart the installation process. The boot loader did not take me to the installation screen this time, but gave me an error. The error shows at the end of parsing so much code, that the screen goes off and tries to reboot. Literally such a small amount of time. I am unable to see the full error, but it is something along the lines off... "in memory panic"... Attached EFI folder. Catalina 10.15.6 EFI.zip
  5. Yes leave them untouched. If you install from the recover, macOS will reinstall system files and keep your files intact.
  6. Hi, I am currently dual booting Windows 10 and macOS Sierra. I had done similar steps in setting up macOS Sierra like shrinking my windows partition and deleting/reformatting my macOS partition. Here I am, running with Windows 10 and macOS and non of them are harmed in any way. In order for you to progress, you'd go with your later route, i.e: "boot with macOS USB installer, wipe macOS and start new installation with the macOS Sierra USB installer." Remember, format the partition (not the disk!) in disk utility when you boot into macOS Sierra with the USB. I do not know if the re-installation of macOS will wipe the EFI partition (which I doubt). But yes, it's safe to copy the EFI folder for the microsoft windows partition.
  7. Update: Issue resolved. I noticed there was a section under the boot loader in the BIOS settings to add a new boot option under UEFI. I clicked on add new and saw that the USB drive was detected in the BIOS. I than proceeded to add the new boot option using the USB Drive. It also required the boot file. So, I clicked on the "..." (three dots) to browse folders on the USB drive and headed to the EFI folder. Once there, I went into the BOOT folder and selected the only file there. Voila. When I restarted the PC, I was able to see the Clover drive in the boot options and now I am on a working installation of macOS Sierra. Just need to sort out some issues post-installation now. Thanks for reading
  8. Update: I went back to the guide which is used to create the usb installer through the long way. This time I am noticing something peculiar. Despite all options remaining same (in the BIOS) I am unable to see the USB Drive under UEFI boot options. I am using BIOS Revision 1.9.4 (Dell). Here is what I see on the screen, I will type it out: Boot mode is set to: UEFI; Secure Boot: OFF LEGACY BOOT: Internal HDD USB Storage Device Onboard NIC UEFI BOOT: Windows Boot Manager UEFI: INTEL SSDSCKKF256H6 SATA 256GB, Partition 1 <-- This is where Windows 10 Pro is already installed. OTHER OPTIONS: BIOS Setup BIOS Flash Update Diagnostics Intel® Management Engine BIOS Extension (MEBx) Change Boot Mode Settings So I guess I'm back to square one. What can I do to proceed?
  9. So here's some update on what I did, so I assume we're kinda getting closer to solve this issue, i dunno? I decided to try out the createmedia command in the terminal to create a usb installer of sierra. I followed the guide here. To my amusement, I found it easier and wondered why it was not put into the guides over here. Well I got my answer a few moments later... Once the USB installer was created, I proceeded to install the latest version of clover onto the USB drive and copy the EFI folders from the E7X70 Sierra Bootpack into the EFI folder of the USB which was created through the installation of clover. I replaced the folders from the bootpack and proceeded to try and boot the USB. To my surprise, this time during the boot process after pressing F12, there was no USB media showing under the UEFI boot list. That means I could not even boot into clover. So this meant that the "guide" posted here and the way to create the USB media does have importance. But still, why didn't it show "Install macOS Sierra" in the clover boot screen after having booted in UEFI mode when I first created the USB installer?
  10. I guess I can post here as I have already got Win 10 pro on my laptop, Dell E7470 with 100gb space left as unpartitioned space for MacOS Sierra. I have followed the instructions as per the guide and created the USB. I have changed the settings in BIOS too. However, when I boot from the USB as UEFI, the clover screen does show up, but the USB drive is no where to be seen to start the installation. Where could I have gone wrong?
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