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Everything posted by yahgoo

  1. yahgoo

    HP 850 G7 Sequoia

    ## Working - Full graphics acceleration on Intel UHD630 iGPU - GigEthernet LAN connection - Wireless and bluetooth with any compatible card - CPU power management - Battery management - Keyboard and touchpad - Keyboard backlight (F5/F6) - Touchpad including tap-to-click, scrolling, mouse buttons (can be disable with prt scr key) ## Not Working - Camera - Microphone - HDMI Kudos to youtuber - ikip and @miliuco - insanelymac for sharing how to fix the WiFi and Bluetooth. Check out working EFI Notes How to get BCM94360CS2 to work with macOS Sequoia 0. Set SMBIOS in order for Compatibility with Sequoia eg MacBookPro16,4 for HP 850 G7 1. Mount ESP, select EFI folder, copy below kext to OC/kexts folder: AMFIPass.kext IOSkywalkFamily.kext IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortBrcmNIC.kext 2. Open config.plist, run OC Configurator, click Add tab to add below: BundlePath: IOSkywalkFamily.kext BundlePath: IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext IO80211FamilyLegacy.kext/Contents/PlugIns/AirPortBrcmNIC.kext MinKernel: 24.0.0 3. Click Block tab to block below: Arch: Any Identifier: com.apple.iokit.IOSkywalkFamily Comment: Allow IOSkywalkFamily Downgrade MinKernel: 24.0.0 Strategy: Exclude Enabled: YES 4. Select Misc, click Security tab to disable Secure Boot Model: Set dropdown list to Disabled 5. Select NVRAM, add boot Args: Select last entry "7C....F82", add "-v keepsyms=1 -lilubetaall revpatch=sbvmm" to boot-args key 6. Disable SIP for root patching Set csr-active-config to 03080000 7. Save config.plist 8. Reboot system and reset NVRAM 9. Patch System Volume Run OCLP and select Post-install Root Patch Click Start Root Patching Click Yes to relaunch as root 10. Reboot system and reset NVRAM
  2. Kudos to @Hervé in helping me to fix the graphics acceleration. Changes 22092022 - Installed macOS Ventura 13.0 beta 8 - Updated to OC 0.8.5 and latest kexts like WEG to spoof SkyLake (SKL) to KabyLake (KBL) - AltStore 1.5.1 and iPadOS 16.0 works Working - Full graphics acceleration on Intel HD620 HD520 iGPU, including brightness control (F5 and F6) - Multi-display with DisplayPort OOB, VGA - Audio, microphone input and headset output (F8 and F9) - Mute button not working - GigEthernet LAN connection - Wireless and bluetooth with any compatible card (a DW1560 in my case, no Whitelisting) - left and right USB ports including USB Type-C - Integrated webcam (OOB) - CPU power management - Sleep (Lid, Energy Saver settings, Apple menu, PWR button) & wake (Lid, PWR button) - Battery management - Keyboard and touchpad - Keyboard backlight (F5/F6) - Touchpad including tap-to-click, scrolling, mouse buttons (can be disable with prt scr key) Set bios settings as follows: Advanced tab: Boot options: - Fast Boot = Disabled - Network (PXE) Boot = Disabled Secure Boot Configuration: - "Legacy Support Enable and Secure Boot Disable" System Options: - Virtualization Technology (VTx) = Disabled (recommended, Enable also worked) - Virtualization Technology for Direct I/O (VTd) = Disabled (recommended, Enable also worked) Built-In Device Options: - Wake On LAN = Disabled - Video memory size = 64 MB - LAN/WLAN Auto Switching = Disabled - Fingerprint Device = Disabled Power Management Options: - Extended Idle Power States = Disabled - Deep sleep = You can keep this enabled - Wake when Lid is Opened = Enabled - Wake on USB = Disabled Credits OSXLatitude - @Hervé , @Jake Lo EliteMacx86 - EliteMacx86 Opencore Dev Team Check out Working EFI
  3. @Hervé Good news! I added -igfxsklaskbl in the boot args in order to test with Monterey. There are no more annoying iGPU retries. YouTube works and there is transparent dock. Is my laptop spoof to HD 630?
  4. Thanks for your speedy reply. I tried all your above recommended settings one at a time. I did not patch fbmem or stolenmem since BIOS video size is set to 64MB. As long as I have defined AAPL,ig-platform-id and device-id, the opencore verbose boot shows [iGPU] Unsupported Auxiliary ID .... followed by Doing retries #50. If I add -disablegfxfirmware in boot args under NVRAM then YouTube cannot work.
  5. my HP 840 G3 (i7-6600U CPU, HD 520 iGPU with id 0x1916) laptop is working fine on Monterey 12.3 as MacBookPro13,1. In preparation of the coming Ventura Public Release, I genSMBIOS it to MacBookPo14,1. Since WEG v1.6.0 and above can spoof SKL to KBL from HD520 to HD620 then I have updated all kexts to the latest. It can boot into Monterey after iGPU doing retries 50 times and the dock is not transparent. Youtube can be played. But there is some performance lag on the UI. Attached are the DeviceProperties and NVRAM from config.plist I am new to frame buffer patching. Can someone please help me figure out how to spoof HD520 to HD620?
  6. @DummyBear @robi62 Congratz on successful hackintosh HP EliteBook Folio 9470m. Is WhatsApp working on macOS 12.3 or 12.4?
  7. Thanks for the EFI. I will stick to SMBIOS MacBookPro13,1 since that is compatible to Monterey and the coming MacOS Mammoth according to apple
  8. I think you need to run ssdtprgen for your cpu. What is the SMBIOS? Please share your EFI for me to investigate
  9. @Hervé Battery indicator works more consistently on laptop SMBIOS. I choose SMBIOS MacBookPro13,1 in order for battery indicator to work. I have to revert to MacOS Monterey 12.2.1 because many apps like Whatsapp and VSCode crashed on Monterey 12.3.1 (clean installed or upgraded) with OC 0.8.0 and latest kexts. Anyway, I have updated EFI
  10. @Hervé Thanks for your reply. I had iMac16,1 SMBIOS with @1Revenger1 ECEnabler kext as battery indicator running on HP 9470m Monterey Beta 4. Which laptop SMBIOS should I try? This ivy bridge laptop with HD4000 has been Post-Install Root Patched with OC 0.7.9
  11. I successfully clean installed my HP9470m to Monterey 12.3.1 but apps like WhatsApp and VS Code crashed as shown below and battery management is not working. One step forward, two steps back. So, I clean installed Monterey 12.2.1 instead. Checkout Working EFI This laptop with SMBIOS iMac16,1 cannot be upgraded to Monterey 12.2.1 with OC 0.7.2. It always stuck with a prompt that “a required firmware update could not be installed” during installation. Strangely, it cannot boot up with a usb installer with OC 0.7.3 and above. After reading the successful installation of Monterey and Big Sur by @Sirsasana and @Robbish respectively on their ivy bridge desktop, I decided to tinker it by changing SMBIOS to iMac17,1 which was selected by @Sirsasana. I noticed that the latest genSMBIOS gathers macserial info from OC 0.7.9 So I updated the USB installer with OC 0.7.9 and kexts. I was delighted that it can boot as iMac17,1 with VirtualSMC.kext. My previous Monterey beta installation required FakeSMC.kext in order to boot. Rename Monterey System Volume name with Disk Utility. According to @miliuco, the workaround is to install Intel Power Gadget in order to update both the OC boot menu entry and the preboot volume with new name.
  12. HP 840 G3 updated to MacOS Monterey 12.3 with the long awaited Universal Control. I have no brain fog after covid recovery. Checkout working EFI Altstore 1.4.9 and iPadOS 15.4 works too
  13. Upgraded HP 9470m to Monterey beta 4 Kudos to @opencore and hackintosh107 for his upgrade to Big Sur Checkout: Working EFI for 1366x768 Broadcom WiFi Working EFI for 1600x900 Broadcom WiFi Bluetooth fixed with BlueToolFixup.kext and enable only AirPortBrcmNIC_Injector.kext
  14. Successfully updated to Monterey Public Beta through Software Update No need -alcbeta. All works including AppleALC
  15. HP 840 G3 100% working on Monterey. Somehow there is no AppleALC 1.6.2 kext to test. So, the workaround is to include -alcbeta in boot-args Kudos to JakeLo Checkout working EFI
  16. Hi Jake, Thanks for your awesome OC EFI. My 840 G3 based on Skylake with HD520 is running much faster than previously on Catalina with Clover. I did a similar installation on my 840 G3 internal HDD. I think the remote management thingy is triggered because I installed BS on an external SSD.
  17. Hi Jake, Thanks for the download link for InstallAssistant.pkg. I managed to install BS Beta 2 Build 20A4300b with your EFI then update to BS 11.0.1.
  18. Hi Jake, I have 840 G3 like yours. I downloaded the latest BS beta installer via gibMacOS and installed in an external SSD. After rebooting few times, the setup wizard is stuck at Remote Management (retrieving configuration settings). I can't download BS Beta 4. Should I install Catalina based on your opencore config.plist then upgrade to bs? Please help
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