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tanphu194 last won the day on July 27 2019

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    Columbia, MO
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  1. Try ACPIBatteryManager ver 1.70.2 My 7450 had the same problem and after Googling around someone said that and it worked.
  2. of course the NVIDIA doesn't work as no Web Driver is available yet.
  3. https://www.dropbox.com/s/wqwxkrp54ue2qah/EFI.zip?dl=0 Here's my complete 7450 EFI with the help of Jake Lo. Works perfectly
  4. If you are using Mojave, the patch is again different, it is written in the link.
  5. Seems like he was using apfs.efi and that thing showed some verbose text before Clover loads. And he wanted to get rid of them
  6. To save your time, here's my kext. Put in /S/L/E, rebuild permission/cache or put inside IO80211Family.kext, whatever works. Also I attached the injector kext, put it in Clover/kexts/Other Remove the two obsolete kexts you use as well. AirPortAtheros40.kext.zip Ar9285Injector.kext.zip
  7. Support was dropped but there is an easy fix : copy the kext from HS over.
  8. SOLVED: There's actually a different patch for 10.13.6. Read here.
  9. Sorry I didn't mean to offend. I did search but the result showed the usbmuxd, that's why I asked to make sure. By the way, I checked and I already had both at the latest version, tried placing them in L/E/ but still doesn't work.
  10. Currently 10.13.4+ USB kext has some issues that only one USB 3.0 port is recognized and the other ones work as 2.0. Check my thread above as we are troubleshooting it.
  11. So, without USBInjectAll, the number of USB 2.0 ports is limited, and the webcam does not work as it's 2.0. If I put the kext in /L/E the USB 2.0 ports work perfectly, webcam is seen, but only one USB 3.0 port. I think it could be a kext patch issue? Attached previous (before the mess up) and current Clover folders for debug. CLOVER old.zip CLOVER.zip
  12. OK, here's a wild thing: I removed USBInjectAll in Clover. All ports recognize as USB 3.0, which means the USB drive is seen. 3 out of 4 ports see the USB 2.0 mouse. The one next to the mic port doesn't see the mouse.
  13. Upon looking at the System Report, I saw the culprit: other ports are recognized as USB 2.0 and my drive is 3.0. How do I fix this please?
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