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Tosol last won the day on March 3 2018

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  1. HI Tosol, I'm Luis and I want to request your help to solve issues with my Lenovo Z70-80


    I got two problems on HS 10.13.6

    - Brightness control keys

    - Output signal VGA & HDMI port


    I read your post



    I read your post and I want to know how can you remap key to brightness control, I have brightness slider on SystemPref/Display


    I have a Lenovo Z70-80 laptop with Core i7-5500 and my graphics card is Intel HD Graphics 5500


    I follow the rehabman guide to remap keys ...


    I followed this steps:

    Determining EC query methods:

    - install ACPIDebug.kext: https://github.com/RehabMan/OS-X-ACPI-Debug - I installed on S/L/E

    - add the ACPIDebug repo to MaciASL "Sources" per README - It is on sources by default

    - apply ""Add DSDT Debug Methods" - I added this to my DSDT

    - apply "Instrument EC Queries" - I added this to my DSDT

    - I added debug.txt too

    - In Readme debug says 3 steps, but this final step:

    Third, add code to your DSDT to where you wish to cause trace messages to system.log (call \RMDT.PUSH). - I don't understand this part or what code I should add. Please your support.

    - I added additionally ioio binary file to /usr/bin/ , like it says in the guide

    - reboot

    - monitor system.log as you press your brightness keys

    After I reboot I pressed all FN keys, one by one and with combinations with Fn+ key but nothing.

    My DSDT. aml patched file is in /Clover/ACPI/patched and like it says in guide the system.log is created in root I can understand is the same folder where is my DSDT, after pressed the keys It doesn't appear anything file

    I don't know maybe I made a mistake in the process

    PD. I attached my DSDT patched

    Please help me with the solution.

    Thanks in advance



  2. Yes, already changed driver to AptioMemoryFix. I made dsdt.. ssdt needs too?
  3. Thanks! This kext great works for me (alps v10.115), how I can make less sensivity for scroll?
  4. New Update: I`m got sleep and bluetooth wake up with MaciASL dsdt patch - use Rehabman Laptops patches for Lenovo Y700 My dsdt have not errors, have nearly 200 warnings, but works anyway.
  5. Fixed: Sleep and Wake works good with Macbook Air 6,1 SMBIOS
  6. Tried now EDID method, works good with Apple RGB preset, but after sleep still reboot anyway
  7. Yes, needs to be very careful. Do you have similar trackpad? My - ALPS v10.115
  8. macOS High Sierra on Lenovo Yoga 500 14ISK Connect the USB flash drive (16gb) to the Mac, format it with name UNTITLED in Disk Utility (You need GUID Partition Map with Mac OS Extended (Journaled)) Download macOS High Sierra installer application from the App Store* and be sure the complete installer is located in the /Applications/ directory Open the “Terminal” application found in /Applications/Utilities/ and paste this: sudo /Applications/Install\ macOS\ High\ Sierra.app/Contents/Resources/createinstallmedia --volume /Volumes/UNTITLED && say Boot Installer Complete When installer finished you will be informed that the process has completed Install CLOVER onto USB EFI partition, choose in tab Drivers64UEFI: - CsmVideoDxe-64 - EmuVariableUefi-64 - fat-64 - OsxAptioFixDrv-64 Copy file HFSPlus.efi into folder EFI/CLOVER/Drivers64UEFI/ Replace standard Clover config.plist with Intel HD 520 Configuration Install Clover Configurator and fix memory and Audio: Memory (Check your Memory): Slot: 0, Size: 8192, Frequency: 1600, Type: DDR3, Channels: Single Channel, Slot Count: 1 Audio: Reset HDA, Inject Layout 15 Download all attached kexts and put it`s into folder: EFI/ CLOVER/KEXTS/Other on USB EFI partition Reboot system in BIOS (or boot from your USB stck from Lenovo if you use another Laptop) Make Load Default Settings on your BIOS and then: - make USB as main boot priority - Hotkeys Mode -Disabled - Intel Virtual technology - Enabled - Graphic Device - UMA Only - Secure Boot - Disabled F10 (SAVE) and boot from USB Install OS X High Sierra on your HDD (You need GUID Partition Map with Mac OS Extended (Journaled)) After installation Load System Form Your HDD - use USB bootloader first time Install Clover onto your HDD EFI partition Copy all EFI partition from USB stick to HDD EFI Reboot from HDD Fix Brightness with this method - https://youtu.be/Dcs5t_23Ge0 Whats works: - LAN and Bluetooth - Keyboard Keys Light - Trackpad (with some issues - cant dragging with two fingers) - Audio ALC 236 (with keyboard hotkeys) - HDMI (with sound but without volume option) - Screen brightness (with keyboard hotkeys but not Fn11-12 like on Lenovo, use Fn-Pause+ScrLk - remapped by Prefs/Keyboard/Shortcuts/ to F11-12 without Fn) - Camera - Card reader - Touch Screen (only for one finger) - Battery management Also possible updates from AppStore Whats does not works: - WiFi - I`m using USB wifi module, but still find new wifi module for Lenovo M.2 slot - Trackpad works with gestures, but dragging only with one finger - it is not comfortably That`s all, if you will install it too, let`s make up other problems together! UPDATE 08 Feb 2018 Sleep and Wake works good with Macbook Air 6,1 SMBIOS But have new troubles, after wake up can be lost bluetooth or sound (need to click it in System Preferences for activation) ACPIBatteryManager.kext.zip CodecCommander.kext.zip AppleALC.kext.zip FakeSMC.kext.zip IntelGraphicsDVMTFixup.kext.zip IntelGraphicsFixup.kext.zip Lilu.kext.zip RealtekRTL8111.kext.zip Shiki.kext.zip VoodooPS2Controller.kext.zip
  9. The same issue. Please look at video (with one finger dragging works, with two 0 no ) Maybe in config.plist I can fix something? I think this issue because touchpad don*t have separated knobs, only one surface for knobs and touch panel Please, look at video - http://dropmefiles.com/JOYBL
  10. Hello! I use this Voodoo kext with ALPS V10.115 on Lenovo Yoga 500 (downloaded from this forum and attached below) All gestures works, but have one issue - dragging works only with one finger, when it clicked to left touchpad button (Left and right buttons on my touchpad have one surface with touch panel) Who know how I can fix it? Thanks a lot! VoodooPS2Controller.kext.zip
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