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  1. So I finally have Catalina installed on my Dell Latitude 7400 (i7,32gb,512gb SSD) and the touchpad will move the cursor and click, however, multi-finger gestures (scrolling, expose, ect.) do not work. Is there any specific kexts that I need installed in order to get this to work? Or does this trackpad only do simple mouse movement? I've seen some people get everything working, but they all use OpenCore, I use clover (following thread). Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  2. So I was trying to follow the guide provided on these forums, however, I hit a snag when trying to download the Bootpack for my laptop. Every thing I have read states to just use the file for the Dell E7440, however, when I follow the guide here and try to download the file for my processor model it says the attachment is unavailable. I found another EFI folder, but can't get the sound working so I was hoping someone here might be able to help me track down the correct Bootpack. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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