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Everything posted by simeonoff

  1. Well, Download the 10.6.7 combo update. Install. Don't hit the restart button. Download the latest EDP 1.8. Install. Follow the onscreen instruction. When the terminal window pops up configure your Kexts, Reboot... and you should be good to go! It's that simple!
  2. Thanks, this helped! Finally! I get some kernel panics related with the X3100! Some animations are really choppy!
  3. Guys, I installed Lion using the first Developer Preview, Chameleon r760. For the Extra part on the flash drive I used the Extra folder from this post http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=256729. Installation is always successful, and then I boot in Snow Leopard, copy my Extra folder from my Snow Leopard install with my DSDT anad everything to the Lion partition, I just swap the SMBIOS.plist and com.apple.boot.plist files, also I remove the AppleACPIBatteryManager.kext. Then when I restart to my Lion installation it boots successfully, I see the Welcome video, and when the configuration screen pops up, it tells me that I neet to connect a keyboard and mouse. I tried adding VoodooPS2 to the Extensions folder in Lion, but nothing changes... I am able to use the trackpad(it works) but it still says that I need to connect a Keyboard... I am desperate because I am so close from successfully booting it. Can you suggest or help me somehow, I cannot figure the problem out at all.
  4. What if you buy it through the app store like any other user? Install Snow Leopard buy Lion through the AppStore -> -> Install. That's legal AFAIK...
  5. Hello, You guys are my last resort. I have a Latitude D630 ([email protected], X3100 - 1280x800, 2GB DDR2 667, 320GB Seagate) . I have 10.6.7 installed with the latest EDP 1.8. Problem is my CPU shows as a 2.01 GHz processor in the About This Mac. I ran Coolbook and I got the same readings 2013 Mhz. I have only two kexts in my /Extra/Extensions/ folder: AppleBCM5751Ethernet.kext and VoodooBattery.kext. I don't know if it is a DSDT related problem, cuz I tried other DSDTs and I got the same CPU frequency, or some .kext that sets the wrong voltage. This is my first question, can you help me somehow, please? My second questions is related with the screen. I am about to replace the screen with a 1440x900 one, I bought a new ribbon cable and all. My only question before buying the screen is: Will the current DSDT(X3100, 1280x800) work with the new screen without problems? Thanks! If anything else comes up, I'll ask again. Edit: OK, Just figured out the CPU Frequency issue. Turns out it's a bios related issue. Just turned off the "Dynamic Acceleration" feature under "Performance" in the BIOS and now the About This Mac reads it correctly! Still my question about the screen remains! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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