Guys, I installed Lion using the first Developer Preview, Chameleon r760. For the Extra part on the flash drive I used the Extra folder from this post Installation is always successful, and then I boot in Snow Leopard, copy my Extra folder from my Snow Leopard install with my DSDT anad everything to the Lion partition, I just swap the SMBIOS.plist and files, also I remove the AppleACPIBatteryManager.kext. Then when I restart to my Lion installation it boots successfully, I see the Welcome video, and when the configuration screen pops up, it tells me that I neet to connect a keyboard and mouse. I tried adding VoodooPS2 to the Extensions folder in Lion, but nothing changes... I am able to use the trackpad(it works) but it still says that I need to connect a Keyboard... I am desperate because I am so close from successfully booting it.
Can you suggest or help me somehow, I cannot figure the problem out at all.