I've had a successful build of 10.6.7 since May. A few days ago strange things began to happen. I don't know the real cause and effect here, but I can tell you this: I enabled bluetooth to try to play iTunes through a new speaker I bought. Bluetooth loaded, discovered and sync'd up with the speaker, but this is where I think things went weird. My audio seems to have been killed: when I press the volume keys the meter displays but will not change and I get no audible feedback. It just blinks with every key press at the half-way point. The other odd symptom is that when I boot up, the previous airport profile is ignored and the system wants to create "Airport 2" etc. To top it all off, iTunes 10.5 refused to load, crashing at the start.
I believe bluetooth and wifi might be connected in the Dell architecture, and can understand trying to send sound to bluetooth might mess up my audio driver.
I was able to restore iTunes to 10.4.1 from Time Machine. I also upgraded to EDP 1.9 to try to clean up these other issues.
Is this an OSX problem or OSX-on-D630 problem?
Before I start over I thought I would ask. Any ideas?
p.s. I also tried booting from the original snow leopard dvd in order to restore a time machine backup but it won't boot. What is the bootloader option to boot from dvd? (I confirmed I can boot from dvd by booting up a Linux disk, but snow leopard won't.) What am I forgetting?
specs: D630 with Intel Graphics, 4gb ram, 500gb hd, snow leopard 10.6.7, EDP 1.9