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Everything posted by Pupilliam

  1. Hey, sorry I was having some issues with my job. I'll be able to update the guide very soon. As for the UEFI boot, you need to make sure you have UEFI boot selected in BIOS. Additionally, if your EFI folder doesn't have /EFI/Boot/BOOTX64.efi , it won't load the Clover without custom-defining the path. Herve, thank you for pointing out the errors in my config file, I will fix them ASAP. I had based my config off of the M6800 one, so that would explain the first two issues. The SMBIOS configuration is because I would get a black screen whether or not I was using discrete vs. onboard. Changing to the odd profile fixed it. When I get my machine up and running again, I will see to these issues.
  2. I still couldn't get it to work properly, so I went back to the VoodooHDA kext. Can confirm HDMI audio works fine.
  3. Do I still need the IDT definition kext if I'm using Clover patches?
  4. My Precision reports that I have IDT 92HD90 as the audio under BIOS. I don't have any experience with PatchedAppleHDA, so any pointers would be nice
  5. Will do. Do I need AppleHDADisabler for VoodooHDA? I've never had much luck with VoodooHDA. I'll check out that Ethernet kext! EDIT: Ethernet works now. Thank you! EDIT 2: VoodooHDA works. Have to edit the volume change fix in info.plist.
  6. Specifications: Working: Not working: Other Notes: EDIT: For anyone interested, I'll be writing a guide here soon with more progress on my hackintosh. I have to start over fresh from Windows, so I'll let you know how that goes. EFI.zip
  7. How exactly do I go about that? I'm trying to get the patched AppleHDA running so I don't have my processor stuck at 1.6 Ghz
  8. I have a D830, same exact specs. Mine runs fine. If you need any files from it (even if it's just a backup), I'd be more than willing to share. I might look into SMBIOS configuration, that gave incorrect readings for my CPU, and when I had the wrong one for a while, it wouldn't read PCI devices.
  9. Ha, I've got a DisplayPort, but I never use it. Thank you for all of the help!
  10. Are there any advantages to using patched AppleHDA instead of VoodooHDA? I've gotten Voodoo to work now.
  11. This can be marked as solved. I downloaded the .pkg installer from SourceForge and it worked to install VoodooHDA. I had to edit the info.plist to enable volume slider control, in case anyone else needs help with topic. EDIT: You also have to disable Intel Speedstep in BIOS to make sound work properly.
  12. Alright, my audio controller is IDT 92HD71. Got it from BIOS. If either of you have instructions somewhere (or an already patched AppleHDa for this controller), just send me the link and I'll get to it. Again, thank you so much for the help.
  13. That's the bootpack I started with After that VoodooHDA didn't work, I got both versions from SourceForge lspci returned... command not found. Isn't it on Mac? I'll fire up a good ol' Ubuntu stick to run it.
  14. Okay, I went ahead with the re-image. I tried putting the VoodooHDA and AppleHDADisabler in /S/L/E and still no sound. Sound Settings panel shows "No audio output devices" and VoodooHDA panel pops up and says "No VoodooHDA devices installed!" Any thoughts? I've considered patching AppleHDA, but that seems like a huge pain to do, even though other people are not having problems with the VoodooHDA with similar builds (E6400).
  15. Oh dear. I knew kext-dev-mode was dead, but I need it for Yosemite (different drive, same loader). I didn't know about CsrActiveConfig. I edit the variables for Clover as BooterConfig 0x28 and CsrActiveConfig as 0x67, correct? EDIT: If that is correct, the system still isn't booting. Same KP. Also, I didn't try a file upload, I hit the picture button and linked that imgur picture. It still wouldn't let me do that. Thanks for your guys' help so far. I think I might just cut it and try with a re-image. I made a image of the disk when I installed and got it running, but I'd really rather not do that.
  16. Here's a picture of the KP I get. Removing the kexts you mentioned from /L/E didn't change anything. http://imgur.com/J2klHNj (I'd put it as a picture, but the forum is telling me I don't have permission)
  17. Oh, it worked before. Yeah, MBP 5,1. It was working until I rebuilt my kext cache with Kext Wizard. I didn't put it in /S/L/E, though. Should I drop it in there and rebuild? I still have Yosemite and Mavericks on my backup drive to work with, so I'm not stuck with just Clover. I've tried to boot without caches, remove the IOUSBFamily kext, rebuild permissions, delete the cache, replace the IOUSBFamily.kext from the recovery partition that El Capitan was so kind to put on my drive, and I can't even boot -s. EDIT: Also, the USB_Injector is just something to change how the USBEHCIFamily kext maps the USB ports. It changes it to match my DSDT. It'll work on any system, as long as it's made for the proper DSDT usage for the system its installed on. EDIT 2: I did check /L/E. Nothing there except for the VoodooHDA, AppleHDADisable, and the random kexts that Apple has in there.
  18. Okay, I did that and rebuilt my caches. Now whenever I try to boot my El Capitan, I get a kernel panic for com.apple.driver.usb.AppleUSBEHCIPCI I had the USB_injection kext from here loaded and in my 10.11 folder for Clover. I tried deleting my cache, booting -f, and tried finding the kext in my /S/L/E folder, but no dice. Let me know if I need to make a new thread for this problem.
  19. Hey guys, another slight issue I've come across, and I'm wondering what I can do. I got back on the OS X train about a week ago, and I've gotten El Capitan running on my E6500. However, I have no sound for the thing. I'm using VoodooHDA for the sound, and I do have the disableapplehda kext or whatever it is in my 10.11 folder for Clover. Clover is completely up to date, and so is El Capitan (10.11.3) OS X doesn't recognize any audio devices (except my AppleTV), and neither does the VoodooHDA settings panel. I've tried the latest version of VoodooHDA - 2.8.8, and I've also tried using 2.8.4 as I've read elsewhere. No dice. If anyone has any ideas or input, that would be greatly appreciated!
  20. Here it is, I'll make another forum post elsewhere so more people see it. http://www.insanelymac.com/forum/topic/306777-guide-usb-fix-el-capitan-1011/
  21. I got it working using a guide I found on InsanelyMac. (I'll have to find the link for it later, I can't sift through my history right now.) And I'm using the 7,1 SMBIOS now, btw. Thanks for the help!
  22. I generated my SMBIOS from Clover Configurator as MacBookPro5,1. I honestly don't know how to edit my SMBIOS to fix USB, so any help there would be great! Thanks for taking the time to help
  23. Here it goes. I upgraded Yosemite to El Capitan GM. I replaced EHCI with EHC1 in DSDT.aml as I read, but still no USB. Any thoughts?
  24. Also, what kind of D820 are you running there? The Nvidia or the Intel one?
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