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Siftah last won the day on December 5 2015

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    Barcelona, Espanya

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  1. I realised what was causing this issue! I'd done the airportd roll-back whilst using a DW1397 in this box - I just needed to remove the rolled-back airportd and restore my backed-up vanilla copy of the 10.9 airportd. Now works like a charm!
  2. Thanks for the suggestions guys, I think I'll try booting into the installer and see what happens, great suggestion, thanks!
  3. Turning Wifi off and on.Tried this! Deleting Wi_Fi and re-addI deleted it from the Network tab, re-ran MyHack and then rebooted and re-added it back, with no luck. I thought that maybe the driver cache was still attaching the kext for the previous wireless card I had in there. This didn't have any impact. Check wifi switch is turn on on the sideIt's definitely on - I've actually disabled the ability for the switch to affect the wireless in the BIOS. As per the screenshot, you can see that the card is active as it's identified the local networks around my flat. It's also working fine once I reboot into Linux, so I'm 100% positive the card is active and works. Make sure the antennae is plugged in correctly and not looseFor the reasons above, I'm 100% sure the antenna is fine as it works perfect in Linux and it's identifying networks in the system profiler. Try moving the card to WWAN, use the black and gray antenna there.Hmm, I haven't tried this... I don't suppose it's going to help though considering the comments above... still think it's worth a try? Thanks for the help!
  4. Looks like my file didn't attach the first time...
  5. 03:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4322 802.11a/b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller [14e4:432b] (rev 01) That's exactly what I get - works fine in Linux too, both Fedora Core and Ubuntu, connecting to both 802.11g and n networks and a variety of access points. Could well be something I've changed whilst trying various combinations of kexts trying to get everything else to work - I'm just not sure about how to start working out which other kext or dsdt (or whatever) may be the source of the problem...
  6. Help! I've almost got my 10.9 installation working like a charm on my E6530. Even the trackpad and keyboard and working, but even after replacing the original Intel Wireless with a DW1510 I purchased off eBay I've not been able to get the wireless working. System profiler can see networks and it looks like the drivers for the card are installed and working, but trying to get it to choose a network fails every time. The menu bar icon causes a beach-ball whenever clicked on and the System:Network prefpane won't let me choose a network (drop down is greyed out). Screenshots attached showing pretty much all relevant screens. I've rolled back airportd and I've also tried the work-around where you go via "Assist me..." to select the network, but that always results in my wireless password being refused (despite definitely being correct). I'm a bit at a loss. I've tried using MyHack to rebuild the kernel caches etc. Hasn't helped. My next step is to try and re-brand the card with an Apple device id, but I'm also struggling to get the card to rebrand, basically when I do the `find /sys/devices -name ssb_sprom` step there's no results returned. It isn't due to multiple entries either, there's just no results. I'm not sure whether this is related or not at the moment... I'm at the hair pulling out stage, so any advice or tips on what to check next would be gratefully received!
  7. This is the problem I'm having too - everything else works perfectly though What's the trick to making the settings persist?
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