I can confirm this is working on both d630 and d830, bringing sound system quality near to perfection. All traces of AppleHDA.kext, AppleHDADisabler.kext, VoodooHDA.kext, etc, must be deleted from /S/L/E and/or /Extra/Extensions and/or /System/Library/Extensions/0EDP.kext
Only AppleHDA.kext MUST be installed on /S/L/E; the other kext(FakeSTAC9205.kext) should be optional; it does not get loaded anyway...I do not see any need for it.
Both AppleHDA.kext and FakeSTAC9205.kext MUST be installed on /S/L/E, assuming you already have IOAudioFamily.kext and OSvKernDSPLib.kext somewhere in /S/L/E or/and /E/E and/or /System/Library/Extensions/0EDP.kext; if that is not the case, then install also those...
All tests were done on systems running lion 10.7.3 developers preview