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Posts posted by ssprod

  1. Thanks Jake, I understand. Strange indeed, I've achieved native power management, done some DSDT patching, tested with numerous bios settings including the more obvious ones, still behaving the same. Will respond to sleep command, then will immediately wake up fully working w/USB, Audio, etc. Would you suggest trying some different "darkwake" settings?

  2. HP Z600 Workstation

    2 x Intel Xeon 5620 CPU's

    Nvidia K600 GPU

    12GB DDR3

    Greetings.. I have successfully installed and am running 10.12.3 Sierra on my Z600 via Clover Legacy Boot0af in MBR. This is the only method of Clover that would complete the install. F4 was unable to generate ACPI files, I'm assuming based on my method of install, however I managed to extract my DSDT+SSDT vial Ubuntu. Although I've attempted to patch both files, I'm confident that I have not done so correctly. System will respond to Sleep, but immediately "wakes up" on it's own with correct display, usb mouse functionality, and "ejected" secondary and tertiary USB storage drives. After 45 seconds, the drives are re-connected and acknowledged. I would love to get this system running optimally and as fully functional as possible. Any suggestions or advice would be most appreciated. I've attached ACPI and EFI. Thanks very much.  

    Z600 Sierra EFI+Raw DSDT.zip

  3. Herve, thank you. Indeed, NIC was disabled in the bios and E1000e has me up and running. I'm faced with the issue of auto-restart upon shutdown presently. Other than that, I think I'll accept that VGA is my port of forced choice for proper graphics. I've disassembled my acpi files from clover f4 dump in an effort to patch my DSDT and relevant SSDT files, however I was faced with errors in my DSDT (syntax related) that I could not resolve. I have attached my .dsl files. Thank you. 

    Raw DSL.zip

  4. there are reports VGA might work on that card but you can also try adding this rom to your clover EFI/CLOVER/ROM folder to test

    Wow, Bronx you're correct! VGA works fine without the ROM on 10.11.6. ROM doesn't allow for DVI or HDMI however. Should I assume that VGA is my only solution? Assuming I'm out of luck with the other ports, the only issue remaining is non-functioning LAN. Not sure which kext to use.  Thank you. 

  5. Thanks Bronx, hope all is well. 

    what bios version are you on--->A16

    i think the GTX has UEFI GOP driver support--->Will investigate

    have you tried using with CSM or without-CSM doesn't seem to be an option

    why legacy clover-couldn't boot with UEFI, although I may have been in error setting the boot path

    also what graphics ports are you using-DVI (tried both ports) + HDMI-all ports behaving the same

  6. Greetings,
    Dell Precision T1600/Xeon E3-1270/Asus GeForce GTX 750Ti
    Have successfully installed 10.11.6 via Clover Legacy Method, but for the life of me cannot get proper graphics functioning. Proper Nvidia Webdriver has been installed, however when I boot with "nvda_drv=1", system boots to a black screen w/system still running. When I leave that boot flag absent, and boot with "inject Nvidia", I boot to the desktop and profile shows proper GPU w/0 meg. I have tried numerous SMBIOS profiles, 13,1/13.2/6,1 etc. to no avail. I have experimented with "AGDp Fix" with no success. Any help/suggestions as to whether I'm dealing with an impossibility, based on this branded system would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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