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Posts posted by ssprod

  1. Herve, thanks for the info. I did use that Extra folder and that was also causing the kp in post#1. I think i've figured it out however.. I copied FakeSMC.kext from my 10.9.2 installation on my desktop to this Extra folder and all seems good at the moment. Thank you.   ssprod

  2. Greetings.. picked up my 3rd D630 Quadro NVS135M for my wife today.... thinking a Mavericks installation would be painless, as my last 2 units resulted, thru much help from this community, in a fabulous running pair of machines.. still going strong. Unfortunately, no such case with this unit. Firstly, am I correct in assuming that the D630 Nvidia bootpack is what MyHack should be using as it's "Extra"? The message "can't find" keeps coming up when I try and run the boot loader... I've tried "-f -v" and even "-x" with no luck.. won't get past "can't find". I've also tried post #15's Extra folder, using MyHack to replace the previous Extra with the new one---> @ https://osxlatitude.com/index.php?/topic/6638-strange-happenings-after-edp/page-2. I've posted a pic showing the result of that attempt. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. ssprod


  3. Greetings..

      Loving my D630 with 10.9.2 + Win7 thanks to the great advice on this forum! I do, however have an issue presently...

    In updating Win to service pack 1, it's instructing me to switch the active partition to Windows. Is there a workaround here, or should I hold off on the updates?  Thanks again.   ssprod

  4. Firstly, thank you Gpetrowich for your suggestion. I will try that as my last alternative. 

    Herve, Thanks for your advice, however it has still not solved my issue. I installed chameleon on my Mavericks partition, partitioned for Windows as you suggested. Re-installed using Win7 DVD, reformatted as NTFS, and completed the install on "7". Upon boot, Windows loads successfully. I re-boot off of MyHack USB, but the Windows partition is not visible. 

    Presently when I go into Disk Utility, "Mavericks" is listed as disk0s2 and Windows is listed as disk0s3. Have I not done this correctly? Thanks again!  ssprod

  5. Greetings,

      Attempting to install Win7 Home Premium+Mavericks on my 2nd Dell D630 (Nvidia). Upon completion of Win7 Install, my MyHack USB Mavericks stick does not show the Windows Partition. 


    1-Boot with MyHack Mavericks

    2-Pre-install instructions-- Erase whole drive, format 40GB HFS+ Guid/Format 40GB ExFat

    3-Complete Mavericks Installation successfully-Install Chameleon-Boots successfully AND shows the Windows Partition at Menu

    4-Insert Win7 Disc

    5-Upon instruction, erase Windows partition, proceed with Win7 Installation

    6-Upon Win7 installation, system reboots into Win7

    7-Attempt to boot into Mavericks via MyHack USB---> Windows Partition is not present



    What am I doing incorrectly?  Thanks very much in advance!  ssprod

  6. Sure can Herve, and thanks for the help... frustrating, I've done this every few months with no issues.  


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

    <plist version="1.0">






    <key>Graphics Mode</key>






    <key>Kernel Flags</key>

















    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

    <plist version="1.0">







    <string>Apple Inc.</string>




    <string>Apple Inc.</string>








    <string>Apple Inc.</string>


    <string>Apple Inc.</string>











  7. Herve, For the initial MyHack install, I used whatever version MyHack installed. It booted without issue, however correct me if I'm wrong.. once I run EDP, do I not just let it do it's thing completely? I waited until MyFix completed then rebooted.. this is where the problem starts, upon reboot. Thanks. 

  8. Thanks for checking in  guys... did a complete re-install via MyHack 10.9.2, used the boot loader as the Extra folder. Everything went fine through the install... at the desktop I download EDP, run D630 Nvidia Configuration complete. Reboot and once again, upon launching Mavericks.. the script "Can't find ..(there's some other script but it comes up and shuts off so quick I can't make it out)...followed by "press any key". Tried with "-f" and I get "Mach 0 file has bad magic number" Tried with mach_kernel -f -v to no avail. What the heck am I doing wrong? thanks again!  

  9. Tried both suggestions, unsuccessful boot once again. Tried booting with USB MyHack installer and performed quick MyFix, same results. May this have anything to do with the fact that i've partitioned half of my drive to ExFat? Thanks!

  10. Greetings..

      :?  Weirdest thing.. doing my spring re-install on my D630 Nvidia (maybe the sun will come out!). Installation via MyHack is successful.. run EDP and default configuration for my machine...  after reboot, i get "can't find... press any key to continue". I checked the drive in my desktop hackintosh and mach kernel is present. Can't even boot to the drive from my MyHack USB. I get the same message.  Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. 

  11. Greetings fine folks.. been out of the loop for awhile, work and family has kept me busy. Just picked up an 820/iNtel 945GM and am in my 4th hour of trying to get this baby to boot to an initial install screen. Using  MyHack's method of a Lion 10.7.4 Retail USB, and using this sites D820 X3100 boot pack, simply booting off of the USB takes me thru the initial kexts load, then goes to a black screen. I have searched all of the forums on this site referencing this issue, and have tried numerous boot flags (PCIRoot=1,cpus=1, arch=i386, -f, etc.. ) and none of these options gets me past the black screen. I have disabled all suggestions in the bios including Btooth and Wifi.. still no go. Any help on this issue would be greatly appreciated! Keep up this amazing site boys, it keeps growing in popularity.  ssprod

  12. Greetings fine folk!  Didn't know if I should start a new thread (D630 X3100 lo res/10.8.4 install).. don't want to hijack this one however my setup and situation is similar. After the MLPF is installed is installed on my initial ML partition, I'm unable to boot with -f arch=i386. I'm getting KP's in backtrace---> APPLEEFIRUNTIME, and APPLEEFINVRAM. Just to note, I have NOT installed Chameleon on the ML partition, I'm booting off of my initial USB Bootpack drive. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!  ssprod

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