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Posts posted by ssprod

  1. Alas... I don't voice much in the feedback forums, however I do feel it is appropriate, and particularly timely. The "team" of hard workers, with a dedicated passion in the world of osx86 have been invaluable in my education within a field that, 3 years ago, I had no idea about. This site rocks, and has proven to be a favourite of a number of friends/members on this site. Keep up the incredible work fine dudes... you keep rewarding us with your talents. " We will drink no wine.... before it's time" (Orson Welles)

  2. Thanks to both of you.... wealth of info. Will try Hiren's first. ssprod


    Follow the WIKI - http://www.osxlatitu...-and-edps-dsdt/


    Updating via USB boot stick works fine.


    Here's my take on the process as it gives some links to assist


    unetbootin is used to create a boot USB stick(http://tuxtweaks.com...ive-on-windows/)with freedos


    Once created copy the D620_OSX_NVIDIA.EXE to the usb stick (unzipped from the correct download from



    Boot off the usb stick and choose the (this is from memory) "boot without drivers" or some such option (basically all your after is a dos prompt to enable you to execute the D620_OSX_NVIDIA.EXE (the name will be truncated due to dos limitations) program from the drive leeter of the USB stick (d:?).

  3. Greetings... Picked me up a used D620 (Nvidia) with an early A07 bios and no Operating System. I see that Bios Version 10 is supported for the boot pack and EDP. Am I able to update via USB, rather than loading XP and using the .exe? Thanks... and keep up the great work boys! ssprod

  4. Had the same blank screen after updating to 10.7.2 on nVidia on Precision M4400. Had to restore the following from 10.7.1 to get it back:







    Seems to be working pretty well. Haven't gone to 10.7.3 yet. Anyone tried 10.7.3 with nVidia?


    Greetings, 10.7.2 running well with an edited dsdt that I made. PM if you'd like to try. Have not initiated 10.7.3 yet Regards. ssprod

  5. copy and save your ioatafamily kext while you on 10.6.7 it could come in handy for you on lion to speed things up

    10.7.2 runs alright with the Intel D630 EDP, it's manageable for now, EXCEPT it won't power off completely... any way of dealing with that? By the way Bronx, I do have a stock IOATAfamily.kext from 10.6.7. Would that be useful to you.. you're welcome to it. Thx. ssprod

    UPDATE: Have edited EDP's latest D630Nvidia DSDT, booting successfully without black screen, however unit does not recognize DVDwink.gif thx

  6. After using Cham. Wizard, and applying these suggestions, boot up renders success 4 out of 7 times on average. The remaining 3 result in a black screen, or kp. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Edited in Boot.plist

    hardware id injection removed

    graphics enabler=yes

    vbios (checked)

    pciroot=1 (checked)

    Newest Chameleon

  7. Greetings, having identical issues with my 630 Nvidia. Screen goes black to desktop, audio working at that point however. Should also add that I've tried editing the bootplist with GraphicsEnabler=no and Graphics Mode=1280x800 (as listed in my bios), still no love. Only work-around is to run 630Intel from EDP, edit bootplist with GraphicsEnabler=yes. Any1 found a true solution, while still using the 630 Nvidia DSDT?

  8. Greetings Folks... any help would be much appreciated. Loaded A17 Custom bios onto my D630 Nvidia... When booting Lion from USB, the custom progress bar stops 3/4 way thru it's process, and does not proceed. Trying any which way to re-flash to original A17, but cannot move. I've researched-----> http://forum.osxlati...l__bios__st__20 , however I do not have a floppy disk, and the smallest USB Key is 240megs. Looks like I've gotten myself in quite a pickle... hopefully not a bricked unit. Thanks so much with fingers crossed! ssprod

    Problem Solved... Created a Bios Boot CD with the help of this link, thought it might be useful for some users---->http://www.bay-wolf.com/bootcd-bios.htm

    • Downvote 1
  9. make sure you don't have the backlight sensor on in bios while there bring the brightness up to max on both screens bat/no bat. in osx you also have FN key and (look on the right side of the keyboard in blue) up and down arrows. also if that still doesn't work there are options in power management for dim screen on batt. and then theres also the gma brightness fix in edp. and also in chameleon there is a dakewake0 option.


    Thanks Bronx, will do these steps and report back. Once again, a faithful thank-you! ssprod

  10. Greetings fine folks! Oddest thing, one I've never experienced before---> Picked up an inexpensive 620/IntelGMA, installed 10.7 updated to 10.7.2. All works fine, but the brightness isn't maxxing out the way my D630 or my wifes' D620 is, graphics work fine but illumination seems dim, even after I "pause" to max. ... any thoughts? Thanks, as always, for any help/assistance provided. ssprod

  11. Bronx,

    Re-installed 10.7 three identical times (?), the third rendering success. However... after applying edp2.1 (D630 X3100 option) with no bells and whistles, installing chameleon, then copying the dsdt over the existing, the system keeps rebooting as soon as verbose mode starts. I can -x into the desktop via usb only. Is there a particular version of chameleon I should be using? Update: Indeed, once the latest Chameleon (2.1 svn r1686) was installed, it's booting fine. I'm without Airport atm, no icon present, system info lists it as a Broadcom 4311 (Ven ID-14e4/DevID-4311) Popped the card out and it reads "DW1395". Any thoughts? Thanks again. ssprod

  12. set your graphics res in boot.plist compare to your bios info


    Bronx.. I found out that the bios default is 1440x900. I've edited the boot.plist (below) but she's still going to a black screen. Thanks. ssprod






    <key>Graphics Mode</key>


    <key>Kernel Flags</key>










  13. Greetings! Picked me up a D630-Core2Duo, 2.5GIGs ram, Intel Crestline GPU.. Having a heck of a time---> USB Install method (my hack), using D630Intel dsdt, I can only complete installation with -x -v, otherwise the screen goes black and reboots. I've also tried adding the smbios.plist with the same results. Tried using the various D series components also, same results. That said, I've completed the install, but can only get in with -x, which will not allow me to transfer the EDP with usb. Any thoughts... Once again, thanks for your support and assistance. ssprod

  14. Here ya' go, lemme know if you need any further info. ssprod


    And this:


    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">

    <plist version="1.0">
































































































  15. UPDATE: I reformatted and re-installed using the exact same method and the exact same files from the USB. This time it booted to the installation procedure and got me to the desktop, however I had to use an external kybd/mouse. Installed EDP 2.1, rebooted, now I have no keyboard functionality, even external USB does not work. Trackpad is functional. Getting closer... thanks.

    UPDATE: Set Virtualization on in bios. Audio is not working, but all else seems ok.  Thanks.

  16. are you using edp... i wonder what the heck is up with that machine... lol


    I apologize in advance, however maybe my methodology is not correct. I was able to install via the USB MyHack method with the Extra Folder from this site (D630 Nvidia). When I try to boot from this USB (post installation) this is where it freezes at "pci configuration begin". Am I incorrect in my method here? Thanks for your help.

  17. looks like it might be case sensitive.... PCIRoot=1


    Hi Bronx,

    Tried that, and as well checked the com.boot and I believe it's there too. Not feeling the love, keeps going to pciconfig...I'll keep fighting the good fight to get my 630 Nvidia dancing with Lion. Thanks again.
















    <key>Kernel Flags</key>




















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