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  1. Hi Leon, Good luck with this - definitely don't want to see you close down! I think the long-term plan has to be to migrate away from them, they clearly have no idea how international law works, and have customer service akin to monkeys throwing shit. That said, if you need to pay the fee in order to keep things running while you figure out the best option to move forward with, go for that. I've donated towards the cause, and hope the site lives on for many years to come! EqUaTe
  2. Indeed - everyone would be well advised to avoid this bios! There may also be no downgrading from it (not tested, not going to test)
  3. It's been out a while - it's not available (or wasn't a week ago) through their linux updating site, which I found interesting. I wouldn't update, and from the change log can see no reason to.. I think it's an attempt to stop people putting in their own modifications to the bios, such as DSDT changes or adding in win7 tables... Otherwise, why put in signing?
  4. Nice one Would you mind uploading a zipped copy of your /Extra please? I'd like to see if I can get sleep working myself, even if it does end up with me at the point of combing through the decompiled dsdt's!
  5. You know, I'm not even sure of the details now, but I used myHack to create the USB drive (I'd done it by hand earlier, but ended up throwing that out and starting from scratch, myHack was quicker to do ) I used the DSDT that simeonoff posted in the 'OSX Lion on D630' thread, along with the Extras someone had suggested - sim's set wouldn't boot for me.. I was getting ACPI KP's quite regularly with a lot of sets, not sure why. Kexts's in the installer usb drive are: FakeSMC, IntelCPUMonitor, lspcidrv, NullCPUPowerManagement, VoodooBattery, VoodooPS2Controller and VoodooTSCSync On my installed system, I have BCM5722D, FakeSMC, IntelCPUMonitor, lspcidrv, VoodooBattery, VoodooPS2Controller, and VoodooTSCSync
  6. Hrm. That's odd. I'm running 10.7.3 on mine quite happily.. Had a time and a half getting it installed, but aside from sleep I have no real issues now..
  7. Any chance you could upload a zip of your /Extra someplace? If the 10.7.3 update doesn't fix your wifi issue, let me know - I can help with rebranding it.. Fairly certain the 1390's were prime candidates for that The only thing I don't have working just now is sleep.. But it has some really weird symptoms :-/
  8. Have you installed any additional networking-related Kexts, or made changes to any of the standard ones? In particular, is IO80211Family.kext stock or modded/replaced/removed?
  9. Hi Wayne, You'll probably need to install Chameleon manually - the PKG is for installing Chameleon, and may run on the PPC mac, but you could try. If it does, make sure that you change the destination to be the USB stick! If not, I believe installation instructions are inside the manual folder that you get in the tgz download (rather than the pkg).
  10. At least you have sleep working! Fancy sharing what res your screen is, the DSDT you're using and what extensions are in /Extra ? Is your wifi card still branded as Dell, or has it been rebranded to match the Apple ones?
  11. Any chance of a 1440x900 version?
  12. Found the solution: http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20051020014120761 I think this would be from having a wireless card working in it at one point.. All sorted now On to sound and sleep
  13. Right, I shall try that once qualifying finishes Among other things, the app store won't work and I'm pretty sure that's because of this. I also want to keep interfaces in the same order on my hack as on my MBP - so ethernet as en0, wifi as en1. Less confusing when going back and forth between the two Thanks for the tip, will post back after testing.
  14. Well, no joy with that afaict..
  15. org.chameleon.Boot.plist - tried it last night, no joy, unless you have to turn chameleons "EthernetBuiltIn" option off.. Will test that tonight. Any chance of you posting the plist you used on the Optiplex?
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